
@BattleMoose87: DLC should be free. I say that because most of the DLC i've gotten has been free and from just TF2 alone...dear God, that trumps MW2's DLC especially since it was free. It's a literal slap to the face knowing they expect people (and sadly a lot will) buy into this sh*t. Best part is how they're

It's just ruining everything DLC could of been. By buying this you're literally saying "I enjoy being thoroughly f*cked over. Please continue doing so." so then other developers can do the same thing ._.

Blasphemy. No Starcraft or Warcraft? But of course there's MW2 (seriously?) and no Counter-Strike.

Gotta get 'em hooked at an early age.

I still remember when MW2 was announced.

This probably would of never happened if he didn't own a PS3 =\

@seepheart: Save link as worked great =D Tytyty!

For some reason, I doubt that Sony will have people trampled over their motion controller.

Mass produce this now please.

I am a happy person now. Replaying Dead Space on my laptop for like the 5th time now.

@Adam Spano: They lost the pioneer behind the game so i'm pretty sure they want to be cautious with it. CS has gained a huge fan base. Not something you want to ruin like MW2 or a lot of trendy FPS games these days.

@Deanb: Mmmm, delicious. Thank you kindly :D

@chopblock: First time I played it, I completely hated it. It's one of the games that gains dedicated players (as well as shitty players like any other FPS) that learn to play it. The objectives alone are very simplistic but I know people who can stay in a server for 17+ hours and enjoy the hell out of it. Most FPS

Is there a way I can save this image at full size? Because I tried right click save image as... and even dragging it to desktop but it remains about as tiny as it is without clicking it ._.

@Telecinision: Dear God. The awpers would have the best of times...

About time! I've been waiting years and years for them to give a drastic update to CS:S. If they give it the same amount of love like TF2 and L4D (not so much 1 .) I can guarantee a big amount of sales.

@Dehnus: Yeah, a good amount of them have morals, especially when it comes to sharing. But i'm talking about the high school kids who just found out about the word "torrent" and have no idea how to share nor would care to do so.