Just to clear this up, is that Luigi waiting for someone to walk into the guys bathroom?
Just to clear this up, is that Luigi waiting for someone to walk into the guys bathroom?
@Saturnine: I know way too many Gamestop employee's who remind me of that fact all the time haha
@Wondering_Zero: I was really bad at playing horror games a few years back. I once rented the Resident Evil remake for the Gamecube and was alone for all that time but after I began to play it I thought "this isn't so bad O_O" then I got to the first zombie and said "fuck this." *puts in metroid prime*
I knew it.
@rwootten: I have no idea how I never found that link o.o
I've recently started using Synergy with my dual monitor PC and laptop. The only problem which I cannot yet figure out is why when I switch the mouse and keyboard from my PC (which is my Synergy server) to my laptop I get this lag with the mouse that's just too choppy all the time.
Gamestop, you do not pay your employee's enough for them to give a ____.
I stopped playing WoW months ago but a part of me wants one of these, especially since my lock looked so damn sexy...
@Parsifal: I gave up cable a while ago =IO Went to hulu since it's free but hopefully i'll be able to find some of his new stuff online when it airs =ID
Conan was the only talk show I ever really got into ._.
Nintendo, i've been a long time fan of what you make and do but one of the things that pisses me off is how I held off a year from buying the Wii on launch date so I could get my hands on the black colored one. It's been years and now this is still a rumor? I'll hold in my profanity for the sake of innocent children…
@Variatas: Clearly it's made of magical properties.
"No words...should of sent...a poet."
I still remember the first day Steam launched. I couldn't get into TFC unless steam was running and when it did I remember how crappy it was but I still knew it had a huge amount of potential and now, years later, i'm glad to see I was right.
You guys payed 5k for a phone that was digitally shut down and then returned it =IO?!
Reading all this makes me appreciate not having to worry about this kinda stuff on steam.
I can't remember the last time I had a snickers bar. Reason being that they said that eating a snickers bar is the equivalent loss of running for 30min. And I run for 30min every single day so a snickers bar would really screw me over.
There's also another note on the wall from the girl in the "Dawn of the Dead" remake talking about her dog. Yup.
@Graham: I still adore the idea of how epic and huge it would of been if they somehow added L4D2 with L4d1. I don't care if they charged $50 for it but if they kept it together and just under the title Left 4 Dead it would of been more universal than saying L4D2 because once you put a number on the end of it it…
@jcb231: Golf club can show up right at the start on the ground with all the weapons you can choose from or you can find it throughout. Also in the finally I found like 7 golf clubs by where you have to pour the gasoline.