
Every one of his tattoos looks like he got paid on Friday, went out drinking that night, then tossed his last two crumpled twenties on the counter of the dirtiest shop in town and asked “What’ll this get me?”

I remember when he pretended to be street. 

plus dont forget that fresh can burn you get when you crack it open and guzzle half of it

Obviously this article was written to instigate a fight but I’m going to fall for it anyway and stand firm in my belief that LaCroix is actually good. Some of us want something that is very lightly flavored because it’s more refreshing and I don’t like the sweeter stuff. Also, I think the decline is probably heavily du

The caveat here being that you probably shouldn’t run tests like these frequently.  If you’re drive is on its way out and you are constantly running tests that read and write effectively useless data, you’re just wearing it out that much faster.  Probably a good idea to back things up first before running a massive

Nope; it should have been done a while ago.

The stadiums are designed to distract you no matter what age you are, even when players are at-bat. Vendors, stuff on the video boards, food and drink...the teams/orgs themselves are doing what they can to keep you from paying full attention.

And nevermind how fucking fast

I can only imagine. He went from having no screen credits at all to being one of three main characters in the biggest HBO show ever (he was a stage actor before getting cast). 

I love that you added a link to finding help in the Kit Harrington story. Because self-care isn’t just for celebrities.  

If you work in Japan, like for a Japanese company, things are different. More is expected of you. Brian is different I assume. Sets his own hours for the most part. I work for a Japanese university, privately own. Its a pretty kush job, but much of the Japanese work force mentality still seeps into this place. The

Of course she knew. It was clear from the onset. She was asked to pose for fake rowing photos, for goodness sake.

Community college is for poors, don't ya know?

If she was really interested in her education, she could find a good community college, do well there and transfer to a university after a couple of years. I’m guessing that won’t happen.

Our whole nation seems to be governed by the sunk cost fallacy.

But how many shots of women’s feet?

when Lana Del Rey is calling you out on being a rich WASP, you know you’ve fucked up 

Man, Moby is a dick.

I wonder if the memoir includes his infamous “touch knob” game.

While the AAP didn’t provide clear reasons why letting infants sleep in car seats outside of moving vehicles may pose a risk...

This article’s summary of this research is so bad that it borders on willful falsehood. Here’s the actual result from the study: