
Well said, though we could also say the dumbing down of reporting and distrust of scientists, in general, reflects a defect in our education system.  Greater awareness and understanding of the scientific method would prevent widespread disbelief in junk science (see, e.g., anti-vaxers) or belief in conspiracy theories

First and foremost, thank you for the work you’re doing! Advancement in targeted treatments inspire a lot of hope for cures in so many diseases. On a personal level, a close family member recently underwent immunotherapy and is now on a medication that targets a certain marker on her cancer cells.

So the genetic defects and plaque buildup in the mice used in this study is only similar to Alzheimer’s? And these articles are misleading? How are the markers different? (Disclaimer: reading this it sounds like I’m being snippy, but I assure you I am not. I’m genuinely asking for clarification as I don’t want to give

Pretty insane...genomically humans are so close to other mammals, yet those few percent differences carry a lot of weight.  Alzheimers has been reversed in mice, but no telling whether the same will hold with humans.  So much we have yet to understand.


Attorneys can be sued for defamation in the course of representing a client if they make statements that go beyond the needs and bounds of the representation of their client.  Cases I’ve seen that deal with this usually involve attorneys who make ad hominem attacks against opposing counsel or parties (i.e., hurl

Japanese dish as well--Oyakodon

I’ve said it repeatedly over the past two years:  I never truly knew hatred until now.

Well, we don’t care about giving away the guy’s whole set or the integrity of his act, so here’s a brief recap of Vulture’s recap via the Wayback Machine, where the original text still lives. The original post broke down Ansari’s set into four themes: dating, Trump, Apu, and representation.

I think Trump, like me, soured on Penthouse back when they started showing ladies peeing in the photos.

I respect your reasoning, but disagree with your conclusion, which should be:  the idiot parents who think this should be enrolled in the same daycare as your kids as they clearly haven’t learned a fucking thing in however many years they’ve been on this Earth.

You have my undivided attention

The class, by all accounts, is a Master’s Course in White Tears. It’s a mandatory stepping stone toward a Doctorate in Obliviousness.

Anyone with some epidemiological insight with this?  The authors of the study above dismissively say “the evidence is the evidence,” but it is not as though the studies over the years concluding moderate alcohol consumption is beneficial were not based on empirical evidence as well.  Which studies have the bigger

Yup, see also,

I assume you know and you’re cool with it. If not, friendly heads up, your wife’s full name is in the vid. Might pop up if, say, an employer searches for her or your.

Now playing

Check out Tony Jaa doing something similar without a boost:

Or it’s about the terms of shared custody, and she’s giving him the chance to clean up in order to be able to see his kids without restrictions.  She cares about her kids and him as a father to them, which is a rare thing to witness in divorce proceedings.

It truly was a magical time to be a woman of really any descent, but especially Jewish....