Serge Function

For shame, Big Scotland.

Donald Sterling. All day.

These one-use shirts are Tattoo Covers, ordered by the honchos to increase White Christmas ratings.

This is a cartoon, not a letter. It depicts the profile of a robot's head, slightly turned to its left.

This pic shows a Seaver-like delivery with knee to the ground. If that is so, Tanaka will need Seaver's ass.

A vote for Jack Morris is also one for Howard Ehmke. So don't.

"It's Xmas!!! Don't let your Frank Furter!!! Luv ya!!! Candice, T-Man, H-Man and his Insatiable Tapeworm!!!"


Is it not true that Coach Lupfer once called out Tebow with, "Such antics do not amount to a QB"? To give blossom to such a truth while repurposing Shakespeare would be more the measure of this man if only it were true.

O* course he re*erred to the QB as a *ucking *aggot. *or 'tis the way of the *ierce warrior.

Sincerely wish I were way stupider so as to laugh at what tickles Darnell. But, you know.

I prefer my sports dished along with a heaping mound of out-there. This does not move my needle.