
They kinda struck me as the Kurt Russell/Goldie Hawn type of couple of the present Hollywood age when they first appeared on the scene.

He ought to pray thanks to whichever angel is guardian to his dumb ass.

Lupita is a goddess, and he is far and away the mud into which ignorance decays.

It’s indicative of my poor state of mind that I can’t parse out why it’s “sexual assault” and not “rape”. Probably because the wife hadn’t decided to press those charges at the time of the news release?

This is a REAL lame attempt of a joke. Too far to go trying to land it.

How do we know he *asked* for all that? Why do we even assume he was directly involved in the planning when he probably has a lot of staff to do that job for him?

I pretty much see his head of staff having a meeting with the servants that know his family well, creating a checklist of guests, events, and live


Dammit, now I need a perfumier.

This wasn’t a social accident. There have been too many stories about ‘blackface parties’ in the media for the participants not to have done this deliberately. So throw their entitled asses out of school.

Three incidents:

I have never in my life paid as much for concert tickets as I paid recently for box seats in her arrival at Chastain Ampitheatre in Atlanta.

...I don’t think I’ve paid for one pair of tickets that cost more than all other concerts and Broadway shows COMBINED in my life.



....I don’ it just me getting a Faye Dunaway vibe going on here?

If it’s Kirk Langstrom, originally the Man-Bat in the main DC canon, then his being a vampire is biological, much like Marvel’s Morbius the Living Vampire...rooted in a refined version of Langstrom’s serum. His gear seems to take after the Batman Beyond version, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the suit protected him

You go, Caitlyn. Modeling is in your future if you want it.

My family is Haitian-American, and one of my cousins went Republican. He moved his family to Guam to operate as a pilot out of there, and he’s one of the GOP’s most outspoken and supported representatives in Miami and Guam. They truly fawn over him, and he is completely in their back pocket.

I subbed up on 1/8/2015 and managed to level to a Monk 31 as of Tuesday. I'm an older player who basically joined for a distraction and to bond with a friend by taking interest in his interests.

I'm a 48-year-old man who is truly baffled by this level of hatred for women. It's a sickness, pure and simple.

Azealia Banks is not leading the discussion. She is no saint, and, yes, she is a...problematic individual, socially speaking. That doesn't make anything she said less valid. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day. She was simply the first to say what others are saying now...admittedly in the crudest way possible,

All honor to you.

She didn't do too badly in her guest appearance on Sons of Anarchy...but her talent is for the stage, and I think it would serve her to go to Broadway for a little while if she's not going to make a leap to cinema. The small screen is too small for her.