
No, we just want both.

I’m really surprised SJWs aren’t up in arms about the white washing of this character.

Its a cute pic and gives me hope for the movie! I wonder if she could just tell Marvel “Give me a copy of everything Carol has been in!”

I am curious about this alternate universe you live in where teen black girls being super geniuses at STEM is a racial stereotype and would like to visit it.

You are being oversensitive since you completely ignored the context of the “Seriously. Ohio.” and just went on your rant.

If it wasn’t in NYC or LA they’re justified in saying, “Seriously. [subject_hometown_here].” I live in upstate New York and accept that it’s not where you’d expect neat stuff like that to show up. (Also used to being the butt of Gawker network jokes.) Maybe realize that Ohio is dangerous close to what people on the

You seem like a fun person who enjoys humor.

If Ohio didn’t suck then how come so many astronauts are from there? It must be a really bad state if it makes people want to flee the planet.

As someone born and raised in Ohio, I wholeheartedly endorse “Seriously. Ohio.”

Ohio sounds like it’s near a lot of other great states!

Fuck Ohio and everyone who lives there tbh

I’m sorry you live in Ohio and all but Patricia’s dismissive attitude is totally warranted here. It’s Ohio.

Articuno is real, OK? This is a good bird, the best bird. I’ve seen many, many birds and I’ve created thousands of nests. If I was elected to head of Pokémon GO I’d work on legendaries, because legendaries are low, it’s incredible. And I would create more creatures in the inner cities, which is what I really do best,

Because a lot of people don’t consume media (especially sci-fi/fantasy media) to read a story, they do it to visit a world. People read the Harry Potter books to spend a few hours in the Potterverse, to visit its landmarks and meet its citizens and see a little magic happening, and a chance to visit all over again is

Yeah, like that Shakespeare hack. They should just make it a series of tweets so everyone can understand it....

I’m gonna hazard a guess. The original saga is so damn beloved that a chance to read/see those so damn beloved characters as full-grown adults would be very euphoric for a lot of kids, teens, and adults alike. And since Rowling is connected to it in some way, that would make it “official” for fans.