
Never understood the problem people had with Stahl.

Never understood the problem people had with Stahl.

@avclub-a55b8af923c8870cb99f042b7070ada9:disqus I thought they summed it up pretty nicely in this episode when Jax observed that Opie had been looking for a way out ever since Donna died. There's ways they could've handled Opie's character to have made his end more impactful, but I feel like he's been one of the few

@avclub-a55b8af923c8870cb99f042b7070ada9:disqus I thought they summed it up pretty nicely in this episode when Jax observed that Opie had been looking for a way out ever since Donna died. There's ways they could've handled Opie's character to have made his end more impactful, but I feel like he's been one of the few

You obviously haven't seen enough of this show. That's every episode.

You obviously haven't seen enough of this show. That's every episode.

At least that same stupid song-and-dance made a lot more sense than Lady Fight Club at the end of the episode. We're just gonna have Tara manipulated by Gemma into beating the shit out of Nero's den mother for reasons and anger! And because we think it would be awesome to watch a woman bash another woman's face in

At least that same stupid song-and-dance made a lot more sense than Lady Fight Club at the end of the episode. We're just gonna have Tara manipulated by Gemma into beating the shit out of Nero's den mother for reasons and anger! And because we think it would be awesome to watch a woman bash another woman's face in

Didn't Conan tank?

Didn't Conan tank?

The username is really what pushes this comment from awesome into incredible.

The username is really what pushes this comment from awesome into incredible.

I had already started thinking last week that this was all going to end with Clay ratting out Nero to Vice just to spite Gemma, but I'm really surprised it's already happened. (I guess it doesn't mean much since Nero was in the preview for next week, but still.) Why are they rushing this stuff? We've still got ten

I had already started thinking last week that this was all going to end with Clay ratting out Nero to Vice just to spite Gemma, but I'm really surprised it's already happened. (I guess it doesn't mean much since Nero was in the preview for next week, but still.) Why are they rushing this stuff? We've still got ten

It was already dead by the time that Shrek got to it, like the Macarena gag, the Matrix gag and practically every other joke in that film.

It was already dead by the time that Shrek got to it, like the Macarena gag, the Matrix gag and practically every other joke in that film.

Don't forget that this is in the context of a show where one of last season's primary arcs was one of the top-billed characters being under threat of getting kicked out of the club if they discovered his secret black dad. (Sure it was terribly handled and went nowhere, but that's beside the point.) It doesn't have to

Don't forget that this is in the context of a show where one of last season's primary arcs was one of the top-billed characters being under threat of getting kicked out of the club if they discovered his secret black dad. (Sure it was terribly handled and went nowhere, but that's beside the point.) It doesn't have to

@avclub-3a964157d2661371723992a5bbe09992:disqus Leverage against Gemma, maybe? Something he can use to change the balance of power in the club? Who knows; there's plenty of possibilities, though most of them could best be summed up by "'cause Clay is a dick."

@avclub-3a964157d2661371723992a5bbe09992:disqus Leverage against Gemma, maybe? Something he can use to change the balance of power in the club? Who knows; there's plenty of possibilities, though most of them could best be summed up by "'cause Clay is a dick."