
How dare these protesters block traffic to demonstrate for their rights! What if I don't get home in time and miss The Big Bang Theory?

And the problem with that joke, much like with that very analysis, is that it essentially makes the argument that putting focus on trans individuals or other groups that will be targeted by Trump's administration is what lost us the election because "Real 'Murcia" doesn't care about that shit. And the only logical

His Dawn of the Dead remake is rad as hell, though.


Hello during a random dessert the month and date of which coincide numerically with your expulsion from a uterus.

Brodus was a pretty monstrous heel in NXT (WWE's developmental league) before that, so maybe they're trying to sell smart fans on seeing the Brodus Clay they remember and liked. But maybe it'll piss them all off for reminding them of how lame Brodus is now, I have no idea. There's a lot of things I haven't understood

Yeah definitely. Billion Dollar Movie has some hilarious stuff in there, but it would've worked better at half the running length as an hour special on Adult Swim. There's just not enough there to justify being 90 minutes, especially not when almost all the mall scenes really drag.

Honestly, the reveal was one of my least favorite parts of the episode and (to be a touch hyperbolic) is all the problems I've had with this season in microcosm. The way she comes out and there's an almost "heavens opening up now that this celebrity has graced us with her presence" quality, it just screamed of every

That ending makes me think they probably ran out of time and money and came up with whatever they could do on the set that day. It reminded me a lot of newer Futurama, how a lot of times they do a crazy story with various twists and side stories and jokes for nineteen minutes and then use the last two to say "And then

The line that got the most laughs from me tonight had to be when the Germans referred to the show as "Hogan's Villains." It's such a great throwaway line that sums up those characters perfectly and is one of the linchpins of that scene while also maintaining a blink-and-you'll-miss-it subtlety. I can think of myriad

I like Anthro 101 but I don't think it's a very good episode. "Pascal's Triangle Revisited" is such a great capper for that first season and I feel like Anthro just kind of cancels it out for the most part. It speaks to one of the problems I've always had with the show under Harmon, that being that for as much nuance

I'm really glad someone is acknowledging that Community has always started off on the wrong foot. I have a soft spot for "Anthropology 101," but "Biology 101" is such a completely forgettable episode that's only really notable for going back to the well on Jeff and Pierce's animosity one more time without doing it

It wasn't the strongest episode, but it was certainly better than Season 3's premiere.

What about sports entertainment websites? I might actually be somewhat interested maybe in read WWE power ranking articles. (Or at the very least, making snide remarks about them in the comments of said articles.)

Who died and made you arbiter of what is and isn't newsworthy again?

So wait, why does Kevin Bacon have Paul Bearer's head on his shelf?

Coming soon to a CancerAIDS treatment clinic near you.

In fairness, the 18% for Dude, Where's My Car? is a literal crime against humanity.

♫Do you have the timeto listen to me whine
about this played-out one-trick band
I liked once?♫

♫Do you have the timeto listen to me whine
about this played-out one-trick band
I liked once?♫