
But again, why are we supposed to believe this?  Why are we supposed to believe that the Sons would have no problem with a Hispanic member in their primary club (especially when they were at war with the Mayans), let alone the multitude of Hispanic members in the Arizona charter, but a black guy is suddenly not OK?

We'll stop talking about it when it stops being true, 'kay?

Otto beat her ass in Season 1, in retaliation for that fake plea deal she offered him.  Luann got offed in mid-Season 2.  Certainly never thought Stahl was involved, but who knows.

Everybody's been giving so much love to that Community clip show episode that was all fake clips. Fuck that, Clerks Animated one-upped them by making their clip show the second episode! And it's so goddamn good. Though nothing quite beats the anime ending for the fourth one.

One does not simply walk into Licorice Castle
Its gates are guarded by more than just Plumpys. There is an evil there that does not sleep.

Probably the worst thing I can say about this season is that it was resoundingly mediocre. For as annoying as the Huddy and the Taub shit was, it never inspired more of a reaction out of me than "great, this shit again?" Hugh Laurie's still awesome and, as much as we've seen their song and dance before, Robert Sean