
Dude, you have an issue and it's not terrorist conspiracies.

Lotta paranoia in this article! This is a standard issue response - Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V. Doesn’t confirm a conspiracy, nor does it confirm/indicate that they’ve ever hacked an Echo. I’m sure the DOJ's FOIA dept. is crazy understaffed and overworked. They might not even "officially" know what you were asking about. In any

You clearly don’t understand how the scientific method works. At worst, he’s an enthusiast with a potentially bright future in science, which is sorely needed if “America” is ever going to be scientifically literate, and this kid is in FREAKING CANADA. You don’t encourage a 15 year old to pursue something by shitting

Your mother believed in the science of Orthotricyclen, but low and behold! Here you are, again posting trolling comments on shit on the internet! And science said that just couldn’t happen... 99.99% of the time! Whoops!

Wow, ShutTheFuckUpMan saves the day with another intellectually stimulating and thoughtful rebuttal! Science is lucky to have such a useless shit bucket of a troll for its defender. Bravo! on your commitment to contributing absolutely nothing in a forum that no one will read past 5 minutes from now. Are you home from

Sounds like the “experts” don’t appreciate an amateur trying meddle in their science. I mean, what would all of their advanced degrees mean, if a 15 year old could reveal a location that was previously unknown to them? “Quickly now! Before someone assumes we spent all those years in academia, hiding from the real

FUTURE!!!! (: O