
apparently this has been in development since 2003...

same here! journey to the west would be awesome if animated right.

Atomic Blonde comes from the same producing/action team as John Wick

...minora. brb cringing at my desk

me too.

so...Ted Cruz. But this guy is garbage too.

*XXXX only if you’re from queensland

really? i have no desire to read any other stuff with how she ended the series.

Otherwise if you want to read his stuff just go on twitter. Man writes novels there.

yep. Jill Stein.

No, this entire comment is garbage. And if you don’t get the reason why read the original thread.

no. fuck you.

It’s a big enough faux pas that will feed into the all asians are the same shit stream.

She also can’t act her way out of a paper bag. She’s trying but her face kinda doesnt move.

Yes it matters. Asian =\= Chinese. And yes Korea does not have as complicated of a history with China that Japan does but it doesn’t mean there is good history either.

I think we should respect everyone’s right to have an opinion, but I don’t think we have any obligation to respect opinions that are uninformed.

Seveneves falls into the small category of books that both canines and hominids admire in common

Goodreads award winners tend to be all YA all the time. The last round of awards YA selections took out half the scifi and scifi adjacent categories because their voting base (based on the frequent reviewers) tend to be female and young. Whereas the Hugo award voters are probably the polar opposite.

you’re still surprised after going through uni? Cause I’m just resigned. Especially the higher you go the whiter (and even more male) it gets.

Theres just so much sentimental value in most of them that I can’t let go. I’ve been collecting since I was 16 and some of those books have been with me through too much.