
Couldn’t Vision kill all of them? Also Bucky attempting to murder Stark..I mean damn, no going back from that. I don’t see how Cap could justify that.

The Witch looks interesting. I haven’t seen Krampus yet but sounds like fun, although probably not very scary.

Slow/confusing start but I’m enjoying the show so far, only on episode 4. Thomas Jane is awesome. I only read the first two books, didn’t feel compelled to start the third.

Yea I read the first two books and I was having trouble keeping up with all the jargon and weird accents during the first episode. Probably a big turn off for non book readers. Although if word gets out that the show is good maybe they’ll come back.

I hope they take the whole “war” part of star wars a little more seriously. Finn picking up the bloodied helmet was a good start but I wish they had done more to show that war isn’t an adventure. The heroes in these movies slaughter millions of people. Empire bad, rebels good is boring and unrealistic. Wish there were

I think many people forget that in the books Ron is not as bumbling and Hermione isn’t a goddess. Accomplishments of Harry/Ron were given to Hermione on occasion in the films. Plus Emma Watson is a stunner. I always thought they were quite an effective team in the books, although it has been awhile since I read them.

Yes please, the woods is a magical place associated with so much folklore. I was so pumped for this because I love a snowy forest setting and then....zombie. Boring.

Actually, kinjabot explained quite clearly what he/she was saying. Perhaps you just had trouble comprehending? I’m happy to see Reddit is at least (barely) credited in this article, but it should really be in the title. Plus “anonymous reaches of the Internet” is just blatantly wrong. Anyone who spends even a little

I understand, I just find the term silly (tm).

No, he wasn’t a nice guy. He was a violent dbag who molested an unconscious person. Can we please retire the “nice guy” phrase? Aside from sounding childish, it paints any guy who is shy around women as an asshole. Relationships are tricky, if a guy asks a girl out, gets turned down and is angry about it, that doesn’t

my favorite tingle tinker

The last time I watched Blade Runner I had apparently forgotten about the rapey scene. Almost didn’t want to finish watching it at that point.

Such a shame because the start of the show was great. Watching a depressed everyman get drunk and entertain himself was very cathartic.

The idea of never working again and just doing whatever I pleased with no one bothering me? Sounds like heaven to me.

Westerns died out? Nonsense gobblygook. Westerns simply evolved. You can’t keep making the same old western fantasy.

Deckard is a rapist. Wtf. Blade Runner is ruined. How can I watch this movie now. Fuck you Deckard. I’m a little tipsy.

Very good movie, tense and fascinating. Definitely a good one to discuss over beers afterwards. However I was a little let down by the last act. SPOILERS ahead.

Really? GRRM is a racist now too? People here are just as idiotic as any fox news channel. Same circle jerk, different opinions.

Nearly every post I see from you is a sassy comment about how stupid or racist white people are. "Dodgy creatives choices?" Let us be real for a moment. There is nothing dodgy about Ice and Fire. The fact that this site is painting GRRM like a KKK member is a "dodgy career choice". Except no it isn't, because no one