
In between school and work I did an unpaid internship for Springer/Wilkos, driving an hour 40 through stop and go traffic at five in the morning. Upon arrival I paid five bucks for parking. Then I proceeded to do menial shit like take guests on smoke breaks and get food/go shopping for the employees/guests. An

Yea this game just looks dumb. How about throughout the story we get to know the wife or child and then they are threatened. Up the stakes a little. Why do I care if a character dies that I don't know? This whole 'unstoppable angry warrior with nothing to lose' shtick has been done to death. Give us some variety.

Holy hell, for the love of god change your cosplay title, shit hurts my eyes.

I never said it was right. Still gonna do it. Too convenient not to.

On an unrelated note. If your life sucks, it'll still suck in Japan. You just won't know the language. Just some friendly advice for anyone fantasizing about how cool they'll be in Japan. Yes, that's right, I'm only here to shit on your day. However, it is fun to travel, so there's that.

Unless you have a physical disability, how fat you get is entirely up to you. Maintaining a healthy body weight isn't complicated, you have to exercise more and/or eat less. Yes, there are exceptions, but most people don't fall under them. Being depressed/suicidal is not an excuse for gaining 200 lbs. I have suffered

Truth is, most people never change. They either suck at life or are good at it. No amount of advice/tips will ever improve them.

Expel the student, he obviously doesn't belong in college. Frankly it's a miracle he graduated high school after reading that paragraph. Fire any and all personnel who knew/let/encouraged this to happen. A college student is just that, a student. It's not his/her job to play sports, they are not professional athletes.

Yea have to agree with you here. Donating to a kickstarter project doesn't entitle you to anything. If fb is offering you 2 billion for your idea, I'm pretty sure most of us would be like fuck yea. All these people are whining like they are actually part of the company when in reality they just gave money away.

I think you're missing the point here slick, did you read the article or just the title? The working conditions in Qatar are abysmal.

I don't care what this girl does, I just wish she would be honest and say yea, I do porn, it pays a shit ton of cash. I'm not sure where you get 'empowerment' in porn. Would I do porn? If it paid good, fuck yea. But I'd be under no disillusionment that I'm some sort of brave activist paving the way. At the end of the

Yes kiddos, ya just need to toughen up and quit bein' a pussy. That'll solve all yer problems. Take it from this seasoned vet, got a problem? Solve it. Duh. Pain makes ya stronger, like a goddamn RPG. Thats how life works, like a movie. Any more brain busters ya'll pussies got for this fella?

I'll admit I don't understand a lot of kickstarter. I get that you are passionate about a project that might not other wise exist, but I could never finance a company/people without receiving a product/rewards that are important to me, like money, traveling, etc. Donating to a kickstarter project is working for free.

Yea many people don't feel sorry about the things they do and you can't force them to. I do take interest in whether people show real signs of remorse, good indicator of the kind of person you are dealing with.

No I do think that scared him, I was making the point that the reason he's acting better is because of that, not because he actually feels sorry for what he did. Asshole kids need reality checks like this more often, I don't know about you but when I was a wee lad I would never have threatened to rape someone's

Think back when you were a kid. Let's say you're playing a game with somebody. You start losing the game. Naturally, you threaten to murder the kids family and rape his mom. Granted, you're a girl so change the threat to whatever fits. What part of that story can you attribute to normal adolescent behavior? Kids will

Bravo. Honestly I think pressing charges would have been fine, but I understand your reasoning for not doing so. When I was younger I had this guy send me mass texts threatening to rape my sister. I never brought it to the police because I had sent texts saying I was gonna beat the shit out of him and I was worried

Why feel bad for the kids? Tolerating this type of behavior is why they do it in the first place, because they can get away with it. Joking around is one thing, but these kids/teens/adults/punks are trying to say the most disgusting thing they can of, they are not remorseful or sorry in the least. I would never say

In all seriousness, I feel bad for Carrot Top. That guy is playing life on hard mode. Imagine all the shit he got his whole life just because he didn't look attractive.

Welcome to the Era of the Asshole. The more you treat people like shit the cooler you are! If these punks were forced to use their real names I'd bet they change their tune real quick.