
I find it sad how society idolizes bad behavior. The more you treat people like shit the cooler you are. "That guy doesn't need anybody! Lmao he just punched that guy, he doesn't give a fuck hell yea!" I find this kind of thinking all the more humorous since we are a tribal species: all of the luxuries you enjoy today

You are not even close to a psychopath. This is a good thing. It sounds like you're trying to come off as edgy. You can be brilliant, confident, a force to be reckoned with and a good person. I know society has a terribly misinformed relationship with evil (I'm scared of everything, in order to conquer this fear I

Who you kidding you lazy fat fuck. The only thing you'd run for is a box of crispy cremes and some week old pussy, courtesy of a beached whale. Girl's thighs look like two sea lions mating when she's walking.

*sigh* I really need to get laid.

Everyone (at least in America) likes to make fun of soccer players but I've had some pretty tough drills along my mediocre career. I did a drill where we ran ladders using each other as the ladder, not so fun having a team mate step on you during practice with cleats. Another time we did a free kick drill where the

I was able to try it out for free through school and in my experience proper form was one of the most important components of the program. Before any of us participated in a circuit we were all taught proper lifting techniques and practiced extensively. If anybody was having trouble keeping good form they were told to

Except technology has completely changed how harassment works. Kids just hide behind a phone or computer and are able to harass without consequence. When I was younger this kid sent me hundreds upon hundreds of repeat texts. My phone would literally be getting texts for 40 minutes at a time, non stop. This would

Gonna have to disagree. When you make fun of a person with special needs, you are not targeting 'the culture surrounding them', you are making fun of someone with disabilities. That has nothing to do with satire. Do you know how satire works? Or perhaps using it correctly is just beyond your capacity. And why do you

Your argument doesn't make any sense. It's ok to make fun of people with intellectual disabilities this article a kid with ds gets to hang out with some pro ballers for a couple days? I'm guessing you have zero experience with people who have intellectual disabilities, they face an avalanche of inadequate