serendous s

I know I check out men and women more than my husband. He can be kind of oblivious at times. We actually both like bigger women and I’m way more inclined to nudge him and say ‘check her out’. Same with interesting clothes, hair, etc...I don’t have a problem with glancing or looking or even the occasional comment as

It doesn’t sound like he’s doing anything other than looking. She doesn’t say that he says anything about the women like he’s comparing them or telling her how much he wants to fuck them or even that he stares at them. Not that there couldn’t be more to the story but, based on what’s here, it sounds like he’s doing

Also when a religion encourages and enforces a very strict gender role structure, it is easy to allow and justify certain behaviors. Women aren’t just told to submit, they are encouraged to have no agency or identity outside of the prescribed roles. Men aren’t just told to that they are the head of the family, they

I’m pretty sure lots of people there don’t choose to live that way, they just aren’t able to leave. Now if we’re talking about the fanatics from Western countries that join ISIS that’s a whole other thing. Those people really seem desperate to belong to something and have bought into ISIS so much so that they don’t

Actually I could only write a book and get on the View if I were a passably attractive white woman. Because then I could talk about how life changing the experience was and how it brought me closer to myself and to all the oppressed people in the world. Otherwise I’m just a black person going ‘home’ and it’s no big

I watched the first two episodes and I loved them. Actually I both loved and hated them. I love the writing and the look of the show. I love the fact that Jessica’s trauma and her powers aren’t being played for sexiness. In fact, even the sex scenes aren’t really sexy as much as they are painfully intense. And the

Well according to my dipshit BIL, I’ve already abandoned my culture my going to college and not taking herbs for everything so I might as well put on a leotard and legwarmers. Or at least practice my high school goth dancing so I can be ready for the Cure in June

Only if your leotard is plain or has no cultural symbolism other than your own. I can’t even do Jazzercize I don’t think. Guess I’m stuck with Pan-African dance or hiphop dancing.

Stagnant and limiting. Can you imagine what music would sound like without influences from other cultures? Or what food would be like? Even our language is a product of cultural exchange. Culture exchange is a very positive thing and it helps us connect to other people.

If we’re banning yoga because of cultural appropriation I guess we have to ban several forms of martial arts as well. No more karate or kendo. No krav maga unless you’re from Israel and no savate unless you’re French. We can only do exercises from our individual cultures.

But stretching and learning relaxation techniques are good for both mental and physical health. I suppose they could have just called the class Stretching and Relaxation. A generic class, without any mysticism or religious overtones sounds perfectly appropriate and it seems weird to cancel it due to what sounds like

These are the same people that fail to understand that being against police brutality =/= being for criminal activity. Or they think that black people don’t care when children are killed because they don’t see protests on the news. Right now, anytime a news story where the victim of a crime is white there’s going to

Provided your insurance recognizes the script written by the pharmacist as legit. Some insurance providers can be oddly selective about who can write the prescription and I can see some companies either refusing the script or requiring additional authorization. I would like for that to be clarified a little more. And

Finding out he was only a few months from retirement makes it worse. It’s like the start of every 80s cop movie

I remember reading some of these! Actually I have been wracking my brain trying to remember the name of some futuristic or fantasy romance that had a unicorn or alicorn on the cover. I remember really being into it but, sadly, it was from the library and I had to return it. I never thought to write down the name or

I’m pretty sure my mom had several of these. I remember liking them way more than the noble savage books. Those always came with a side of squick

This. Whenever anyone points out that Black people should be doing just as well as Italian, Irish, or Jewish immigrants I wonder if they realize that this has less to do with Black people being somehow inferior and more to do with Italian, Irish, and some Jewish immigrants being able to assimilate more easily than

Don’t you know that making heroin legal will mean everyone everywhere will shoot up? I’ve never gotten that mindset. If someone wants to do heroin or any drug, they’re going to do so whether it’s illegal or not. If someone doesn’t want to do drugs, they won’t even if they could go buy some meth or crack at the local

Fanatics are dangerous no matter what their religion. ISIS is made up of Muslim fanatics. That fact doesn’t make all Muslims fanatics or members of ISIS. Closing mosques, herding Muslims into camps, deportation - all of those things aren’t going to do shit to ISIS. Unless of course you want to add to their recruits.