serendous s

If it’s a spouse or partner and you’re familiar with each other, I don’t think it’s necessary to repeatedly get consent unless you’re doing something really different. Then it’s good to check in. But with someone you’re not all that familiar with and you’re not sure about the non-verbal communication, sometimes it is

I seem to remember Whoopi talking a lot about how her appearance effected her career, that she had to do something to stand out because she didn’t look Hollywood attractive. I do think she exists in that comfortable bubble of wealth and celebrity that shields her from having to actually empathise with people but I

Well doesn’t Obamacare provide all of those services <—-actual statement from somebody who wanted to know why PP was even necessary now that everybody had insurance. It’s like they had not a clue that the ACA did not magically provide all women with access to contraceptives, cancer screenings, etc.... Or that many

I honestly think that some of these people want that to happen. It’s part of that punishment mindset - if they hadn’t been slutting it up, they wouldn’t have needed an abortion in the first place. That and there seem to be a lot of magical thinkers out there who think that making abortion illegal will means that

She certainly isn’t the victim she’s made out to be. As soon as she started injecting other people, she became no better than the person who started injecting her in the first place. And, honestly, I have a hard time feeling overly bad for her from the start. She chose to do something extremely dangerous. We’re not

The thing that stood out for me is the bigger butt part. I can understand a plus-sized model wanting to stay plus-sized. As another poster said, a plus-sized model who drops below a 10 is still too big for straight modeling. I’m wondering if she was both a plus-size fashion and fetish model. Not judging, mind you, but

I think people took girls dressed as miners (gold diggers) with dirty faces as black face. I didn’t even see that pic when I made my first comment. The girl up there clearly has an eyeliner goatee. So far no other pictures have popped up so while black/red/yellow/brown-face is always a bad thing, in this case, there

Damn. Sadly, some people will still look at that and say that there’s no proof. Of course many of these are the same people that are convinced that this is an effort to get money out of Cosby or some elaborate plot to bring down a powerful black man.

Definitely. I don’t know how much Malcom and Eddie generates in royalties but I’m thinking it’s a pittance compared to The Cosby Show.

The Cosby Show came on at a time when there weren’t a lot of positive images of black people on tv. The Cosby show had an intact family with well-to-do professional parents and good kids. They didn’t live in the ghetto, no one was on drugs (except for those one-episode friends), none of the daughters were pregnant,

My name is apparently an Eastern European last name and is likely both misspelled and mispronounced from the original. My father picked it up when he was a merchant marine and my mom preferred that over ‘Pearl’, the name my grandmother suggested. Needless to say, my name is fairly unique in the U.S. and may very well

Some names are stupid, weird, or unpronounceable but I think I’d be more concerned about the person’s skills than whether their name has too many y’s or a random hyphen if I were actually hiring them. Not saying I won’t roll my eyes at Kayleigh or Kinadee or Devoyne though..

Statememt retracted. You win, sir

Which, oddly, wasn’t even what I was referring too since it’s pretty clear that they are dressed as miners/gold diggers with dirty faces. But fine, I’ll save my outrage for the next time people act like morons and treat race/ethnicity like a costume.

Except I’m not branding them as racists. I’m branding them as silly with a possible side of insensitive. The blonde with the eyeliner goatee and her friends could totally be cool with everybody. I didn’t even say that anyone in the pics shown was directly in what I would consider blackface. My original statement was a

Got it. I’m an idiot for pointing out that, in general, black face is terrible and offensive and that, specifically, I doubt that there was not one incidence of black/brown face at this particular gathering. Clearly I must bow - but not offensively - in the direction of someone who is clearly smarter and better than

Blackface is always bad. Actually any (insert color) face is bad barring the occasionally legitimate setting. White Girls is not that setting - that movie is terrible. If none of these folks went full black face, good. I take back my skepticism. I stand by my first comment, though, that donning the skin color of an

Fine I won’t accuse them, I’ll just give them the side eye for likely engaging in idiotic, possibly insensitive behavior that ultimately doesn’t matter in the larger scheme of things. Happy?

I focused on black face because, for me, that’s always more problematic no matter when/where it happens. Cornrows, Ebonics, fake gold teeth - those things irk me but don’t immediately mean card carrying racist. Black face actually makes me angry and I am highly skeptical that no one - absolutely no one - was in

What pitchforks? Since when is pointing out that dressing up as a racist caricature and then taking pictures is stupid and offensive the equivalent of a pitchfork-level outrage. It is stupid and offensive. Sorry if I’m not inclined to just give them the total benefit of the doubt because there’s no pictures of someone