
Speaking of drama, I recently waded into my good friend’s Tumblr, which has turned into a hotbed of insults between TERFs and the trans community. I had no idea what a TERF was until recently. Tumblr is insane.

Right? Which is why when I tell someone that I’m vegan I like to helpfully point out that while I am vegan, I’m not an asshole vegan. This shit just makes me want to crawl into a hole.

I didn't know Prince was a vegan. Wow and I like that he wasn't obnoxious about it too.

“...eats 51 bananas a day...”

The online vegan community sprang up because it’s logistically difficult to eat vegan for most people, so sharing tips, tricks, recipes, shortcuts, encouragement, etc. is important. A very vocal minority of people turned the encouragement part into a weird tribalism with extremely strict in- and out-group status based

This woman is claiming she eats between 2500 and 3000 calories per day in just bananas.

Every time a vegan posts a YouTube video, a Trump supporter registers to vote.

Ugh why do my fellow vegans have to be so embarrassing. It's like for every single cool vegan, like Prince, there are a thousand militant assholes.

I feel like if you eat 51 bananas a day, your bowels are FAR from regular.

Why did I read all of that.

How about a law that says that you can't hold pictures of fetuses within 2,000 feet of an elementary school? That seems more effective.

“proponents of the bill are defending it by saying that it’s necessary to protect schoolchildren from protesters outside the clinics”

“When I was a teenager I was super awkward. I don’t think I really felt comfortable in my body or with how I looked and people were nasty,” she said.

Because clicks!!!

What kind of asshole gets mad that some people are getting to sit in first class and he’s not?

This is what causes my flight anxiety. I just want a damn spot in the overhead for my bag. What really grinds my gears is when someone places their suit jacket up there - you’re asking for a bag to get placed on it.

Yes! I think that putting your bag into an overhead compartment at the front of the plane and then taking your seat at the rear of the plane should result in an automatic ejection from said plane.

Not everyone is a sleepy drunk. Woe to you if you sit next to a belligerent drunk.

I have a couple, they may or may not still exist on an ex’s hard drive somewhere. I’m not that concerned as I don’t plan on getting famous anytime soon. But even if they were “leaked” i’d still be pretty meh about the whole situation (as long as my ass looks good in the video of course).

Huh? I can’t think of anything in this or yesterday’s article that wasn’t (correctly) characterizing her as being in the right.