
I used to work at a major international airport and met most of the top 90's models there, while they were flying in and out: zero makeup, horrible clothes, hair like they hadn’t combed it in a week, and yet they were all stunning. You could not stop staring at their faces, they really looked different from 99% of the

Today’s ‘supermodels’ are noooothing compared to the originals of the early 90's. Kate Moss and her contemporaries were breathtaking, and looked other worldly. Today’s top models have all had plastic surgery to tweak (or completely make) their face, and are so boring in comparison.

Can we just have an open thread of cute dog posts? I mean, here’s my Irish Wolfhound trying SO HARD to get her toy thrown.

Nope. I went to the 100th anniversary Vogue exhibit at the National Portrait Gallery yesterday, and not a single other model can touch her. In 100 years.

Well, she’s done pretty well for herself considering she’s “short.”

it’s like a 45% win... you can tell she means well, she just didn’t quite get there mentally, verbally, or in any other capacity

This is not a win. ‘I have bigger friends’ is the ‘I have black friends’ of fat shaming. Ashley Graham is beautiful, and represents a moderadly more realistic image of women. Her body, her business.

When Naomi Campbell is the voice of reason you know you should've kept your mouth shut.

They didn’t flat out call her an imitation, they used a common idiom to discuss the possible similarities between brands. The tweet was extremely mild, especially when you read the sentence that came after the idiom.

i dont wear lulu lemon (fat and not enough money NEWAYZ) but they did corner the market on very expensive work out gear and i think other brands releasing high end work out gear are probably basing their lines off of lulu lemon.

You mean Monster should blame themselves for conducting business in good faith? You sound like the con men that stole over $3000 from me the day I got kicked out of Marine Corps boot camp.

Educate yourself:

For those that don’t understand:

He must be so jealous of Dr. Dre right now.

No.. He is VALUED way more than her. Theoretically, if you can find someone to buy Tidal, 40/40 clubs, ROC nation, recording catalog etc for what some what some financial “expert” thinks they are worth, he might be worth more than Beyonce. However, at the end of the day, Beyonce brings in way more cash than anything

There are plenty are reasons Jay-Z could think it was going to be successful. Were any of those reasons based in the reality you and I live in? Probably not.

Or just don’t listen to Kanye. There are plenty of other artists out there.

Agreed. He just made a poor business move. How could anyone think it was going to be successful? Now can they stop the stupid service so Kanye will put Life of Pablo on Spotify?!?!

He’s just pissed he got ripped of before he even had a chance at ripping ppl off.

I’m really trying to feel bad for him but I don’t.