
To be fair, an aircraft carrier is basically a small island that can move. It’s an amazing feat of engineering and infrastructure. Trump’s wall would not be.

Yeah, the apology was top notch- should be required reading for anyone who has the urge to make your usual mealy mouthed apology.

That was actually a decent apology from the editor....

I think PMK’s machine is working overtime to get them ready for a break from Kanye. It won't happen immediately because they have to look like they tried to save him, but mental breakdown isn't good for the brand long-term.

Serious question: is this ego or is he genuinely unwell? More and more im leaning towards the latter. No one can lack this much humanity & self awareness. He’s like a mix between a mental patient, that asshole on the street who goes “nice tits” to a woman he’s never met and then gets genuinely offended and angry when

Kanye West has always been eccentric- to say the least- but the past week makes me genuinely wonder if he’s having a serious breakdown of some sort.

Usually I hate when people ask “who?” in the comments but I had zero idea that this girl existed until this post so I support your inquiry. Maybe she can be the next Rita Ora?

From a strictly scientific standpoint, it is an interesting question.


**NOOOOOOOOOOO** OK, you win!!

They really do craft a specific image for the fans, you hit the nail on the head. I met Swift once, years ago, and even then she was a composed adult with a very mature bearing. This whole ‘oh NO! I made a whoops, no one will like me now!’ schtick is very choreographed but works super well for her. Her disney-graduate

Another reason to not vote for the unholy GOP crew - they keep trying to ravage & sell it off at every opportunity.

In an area I used to hike frequently with some beautiful petroglyphs, some asshole rode through on a four-wheeler and shot them up with a paintball gun. Many could not be restored. Thousands of years of history ruined by some (probably) drunk asshole. Things like this make me so deeply sad.

Good. I was in Utah this summer looking at beautiful petroglyphs, and it was so infuriating to see these amazing depictions of a great hunt from hundreds of years ago right next to “Jim+Kelly 69 4eva”. Fuck these people.

I worked in Sedona for like 3 year really recently. The locals don’t take this shit lightly. They will hunt people down for destroying the local landscape. Its a very big deal. Just because you’re a celebrity doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want especially in a place like Sedona. For anyone who’s never been

This one actually angered me. You’re not eight. Respect the wilderness; we have such little left.

If you are in grad school doing a PhD in the humanities then leave now—the job market is awful. I saw this as someone who came off the conveyer built last May from an Ivy and didn’t a job last year and will not get in a job in North America this year. Srsly consider leaving and moving into industry. Staying in grad

Don’t waste your breath, she knows. Kara and Clover’s assigned beat here is trolling the white audience. It's usually kinda dumb, but sometimes funny. Kara especially will wade in the comments sometimes to mock the easily provoked.

Pfft, we didn’t even get diamonds for our rings. We got tanzanite, because it’s prettier and far more rare. Our rings aren’t huge, but that’s because we didn’t want gaudy bling on our fingers.

why is this non story getting attention?