
Or even 18. Or even 21.

That commenter has got to be trolling. Nothing he/she is saying makes any sense.

Yes, I can. And I can imagine that if I did I’d be broke by age 16.

If you’re assuming that this is based on gender, that is most likely absurd. The son is 44 years old (and a successful filmmaker in his own right). That is the big difference here. As many others here have already pointed out, 25 is a pretty standard age when it comes to large inheritances like this, with people

Not your money, not your laws, not your say. Get over it.

And yet science says the parts of our brain that handle decision making aren’t fully developed until around 25. People under this age are more likely to make risky decisions not just because of lack of experience but also an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex. I wish my dad hadn't given me access to my savings

“Yes, she should get it when she is 18, and an adult.”

the son is like, 45. it’s because of their respective ages,, not their respective genders.

The son is 45! And he has a profession and everything. Besides, why should she have that money at 18? She didn’t make it. the person who decided to give it to her added a stipulation, which was his right. If she doesn’t like it she can just refuse it.

Duncan is 44. Alexandria is 15. It’s not a sexism thing, it’s a massive age gap thing.

Bowie’s son is 44, a year younger than I. Neither of us is “pushing 50" thankyouverymuch! ;-)

His son is educated, actively employed and pushing fifty. His daughter is a fifteen year old child. That’s two different situations.

I think that anyone who keeps assistants and staff around that long must be.

I was a little taken aback by that too, then I read that he - and he alone - exposed this to about a million and a half people who might otherwise never have seen it, and who, predictably, then spread it further. That’s more than being a garbage person, that’s causing real harm.

Like others have said his gifts to his assistant and son’s nanny show what a decent dude he more than likely was.

The gifts to the nanny and the assistant are even more evidence that David Robert Jones was a oner in the best possible way.

I don’t mind Bernie. He sounds like my Queens-born father and looks like a Philosophy professor I had in undergrad. His problem is his ideas and proposals, while great, have zero chance of working with the Congress. Congress, which is a bag of dicks, would eat him for lunch. Clinton knows how to work the system in her

Making fun of a kid makes you a garbage person, but are we suing people for being garbage now? I don’t know. I think if the kids’ parents win, it becomes so that anyone who shares or reposts memes is now legally responsible for emotional distress... I don’t like that. The only person who should be liable here is the

But he’s right. Perhaps not about that specific kid, but in general. What is self-absorbed narcissism about calling out parents who feed their kids sugar by the shovelful?

Figured that would be his response. Kanye, you got fucking played! Amber clearly knows your ass well...and intimately. Ain’t no shame in ass game!