
FUCK ALL JUDGES THAT STE ELLECTED. They should not be elected.


Thanks for identifying who that is. But don’t worry about never looking like that. I mean, it's this guy job and what's he's paid to do. Chefs, trainers nutritionists, assistants, publicists, coaches, people to wake him up in the morning, doctors, nurses etc all go into that.

I don't care about the masculinity bit, but I completely agree with you on the freshman women's studies textbooks.

He weirds me out too! For example using BLM hashtag for seemingly no reason, except he's in a picture with a black guy. But those guns tho.

I know it's completely arbitrary and subjective, but I'd say at least 200k and no more than 600k. After attorney fees, who know what they have to split.

Right! I'm all for plastic surgery. Don't go overboard and if it makes someone feel better about their looks go for it!! Good plastic surgery looks like it wasn't even done. Like slight enhancements. But let's not pretend your nose shrunk via contouring and lips grew via lip liner.

I have never ever seen matte lips in real life. I'm pretty sure it only exists on Instagram. Thankfully.

Ahhh!! This once time I saw greasy blotting papers someone left behind on a train seat. Please don't do that.

Which most definitely be the lead picture if one was taken. Who knows, he probably had a doctor on call or some private medical facility he went straight to. And sometimes “medical advice” is just cover your ass talk. Now I’m not talking about vaccines, cancer etc. I’m talking, “you should go get checked out for a

He annoys the living fuck out of me. His response to Selena Gomez and her song “good for you” makes me want to punch his fucking face.

You need to do a tell all!!!

Ha, well I'm okay with that.

No Serena most definitely wouldn't.

Serena most definitely WOULD NOT have an Instagram.

Who the hell would buy a beater bike, and pay to have it shipped across country?

That is hard to do. How do you expect the police to catch someone on a dirt bike? It's just not gonna happen.

Have you ever tried playing some kind of sports in a field while these assholes try their stunts? What the fuck. A couple times at practice we had these guys just ride trough. I hate these assholes. I like bikes, and people who ride em. I do not these guys.

I think her lack of judgment for even writing it, shows she should be fired

Yep, they would still be idiots.