
All I got is.... That fucking smirk.

The government leaves cemetery regulations to states..... Yep and this is what we get. Small government people!

Wow that statement is awesome. Completely not something I would expect a person to say when they were paid to be a spokesperson.

The worst kind of bigot/homophobe is the nice kind. The ones that speaks so eloquently about it. Because it’s much easier for people, which will no doubt defend her. I prefer the blatant Westerboro Church. Also it’s nice she wants to make a difference with racism, but fuck off gays, she doesn’t “agree” with you.

Here’s another example: a former friend of mine said the same thing. She said, she doesn’t agree with the LGBT lifestyle, but love’s her gay brother very much. But I asked her, what about letting him have the same rights, taxes, marriage for example? She said no, she would continue to vote against all of that.

Or maybe Jonaighthon, would be more to your liking. I kid, I kid. It's fucking crap when people spell ordinary names in fucked up ways. Mykail, Jacyeson or Ashleigh, which isn't that weird I guess. All people I've met as well.

I support her in the sense I support transgender rights. But but fuck Caitlyn Jenner as a person.

I like to be as environmentally friendly as possible, but I would only go the cloth diapers route if there was a company near me that picked them up and cleans them, and drop off fresh ones.

You know what is the best for the environment is terms of diapers? Washable cloth diapers.

Haha say goosies because that's what Jennifer Lopez call em!

But what she said about it after was amazing! And it's goosies not goosebumps.

Should not have gone farther that makenzie at the very least.

Australia? I hear Starbucks tried and failed miserably. Aussies seem to pride themselves in small independent coffee shops. And smack me for even saying “small independent” anything.

I've been researching areas to move to! Think I'm ready to move to a smallish town/city upstate. Only requirement really is that it has direct access to NYC via train, and I'm not picking as to how long that train ride could be. 1-4 hours is fine.

My first thought too. Good for her for having it made in the USA. Second thought, these conditions are like 99% of anything being manufactured in a factory. Not saying we should just shut up and accept it, but Kylie is getting press for it on Jezebel because she’s who she is. I know there has been posts about fast

Meaghan Trainor is that to me. Can't explain it, just don't want to see or hear her ever.

Have you seen Sense8 on Netflix? If you haven’t you should watch. It was panned by critics, but most critics are assholes and only seem to like shit that are likely to win an Oscar or Emmy.

You need to dish. Who was nice, who was not... Etc

Is this Jezebel and their apparently white guilt (to me anyway) talking? You said it perfectly, yet Naomi Campbell, thrower of cell phones, is referred to as god.

It’s becoming a theme on this site. Anything Taylor Swift does on this site will be absolutely scrutinized. Wait until Amy Schumer falls out of favor. Emma Watson = fallen out of favor. Nicki Minaj does something stupid, aka make fun of of some poor guy selling bootleg merchandise, the headline is fairly neutral or