
I had no idea Marriott was a franchise.Or that anything but fast food could be a franchise.


I’m starting to come to terms to it’s okay if he get elected. Everyone in the developed world will ignore us for the next 4 years, and nothing trump proposes will actually be done. Build a wall and Mexico will pay for it? Ban Muslims? Nope and nope. So MAYBE he will just sit there and scream.

But not Kim. She's not allowed to do that you see. She's too this and that.

Oh my god. I never had MySpace, or xanga or live journal or any of those things. But Facebook reminds me what I wrote or did 5 years ago, and I’m basically horrified!!! Imagine... If it had what I could have wrote 10-15 ears ago!? Ahhhh! I shudder.

I thought it was a great segment. And it was hilarious. But I was not laughing. It was more like a half smile, at all the jokes.

That sounds awesome! And gorgeous to boot and your kids get along.

Can’t go wrong with Stella Mcartney it seems! It’s my favorite dress by far.

Haha well, at least you are happy with the way you are!

First, I didn’t take it at all to be bragging! It certainly did not read that way. And yes, this is cirtainly not a popularity kind of thing. Relationships to people are important. We are social.

Haha, “meat realm.” I did have to think about that for a second. But at least it seems you are happy being you.

I feel ya! I worry about my own wedding too. I’m not sure if I can even fill the wedding party duties. It’s terrifying. As for the rest of the wedding, who the heck is coming to mine?

Good luck!! Just be careful with the online love. Tread very carefully especially since ya’ll have met.

Fuck (most) salad dressings. I’d honestly enjoy rather enjoy a salad with no dressing that sweet as fuck dressing. I always order salads with dressing on the side and it makes me feel like an asshole! But at restaurants salads are like in a dressing soup!!

My favorite housewife and seems to have a good head on her shoulders. She doesn't seem to get into the catty bullshit. She seems to be easing her children to be well adjusted adults. Hope for the best with her illness.

I was kicked off meetup? Some guys began private messaging for “meetups.” I responded, but it quickly became obvious that they weren’t looking for just friends. Next time I tried to log on I couldn’t. I went to the Q&A page and the only possible reason is that someone reported me for “consistently not showing up for

I suppose I should feel lucky I have a couple people to confide in. But my SO has more friends than I do and kept in touch with HS friends. And I do know where you are comin from too. Sometimes we just need to unload and gab about dumb shit, to someone who cares, and doing the same to you.

Hello! Yes I do consider myself lucky I have 3-4 people I confide in. Though, one moved away and I can tell we are growing apart. As in, it used to feel normal to text, bla bla mudane things. Now, it would be weird. as for the others, I don’t talk to for a couple months sometimes. Which is something I can work on

I suppose the plus side in your situation is that you get to travel the world!!

I would say try to make some friends in grad school now! Unless your grad school is small and you already kinda know everyone. Knowing what I know now it’s hard to make friends at work too. It doesn’t seem to get easier. Like I can’t fathom going out with my coworkers outside a group work outing. I wish I could go