Simba coulda been black too. I think there was only so much out of boxing going on, but...BAMBI???
Simba coulda been black too. I think there was only so much out of boxing going on, but...BAMBI???
I have a relative who would have sex while her sister was "sleeping" in the other bed. Although it's something I'll never do (like have sex while my sister is in the same city), I wonder how rare it is, especially in large families, especially with early onset of sexual activity.
He's getting those good omega fats, though.
You don't get to decide which side of the coin is up when you call Anonymous on the flip.
RTFA.. They're not playing human characters.
So Indian snakes have to be played by Indian people?
There are bigger problems than that—they also don't look like snakes or wolves.
Is Kinja gonna fuck with me again?
I toss them if they're stained or if they're falling off or apart. I can tolerate the ruffle dangling, but not elastic, not needed structural components.
Are you really surprised that in the book Jaime doesn't think he raped Cersei? Read it again from Cersei's point of view, and imagine him as a frat bro on the stand being accused of rape.
Imagination is the fetus in the man.
People making salad should be set on fire.
I'd be screwing.
It's how I tuck. It can really flatter your boobs.
Bad botox is like bad boob jobs. You only see the bad stuff, so you think all the stuff is bad. I think the fancy folks call it confirmation bias.
I put it upthread near the Jaime pie running gif,
So that's how Jenny McCarthy got her medical degree and why we should listen to her.
See you an unwritten "doggy bag" and raise you an unformed "doggie style" joke.
The author has replied to the article with comment, though.