
Right now if I were to sit down and list black women on network TV I'd start with Olivia Pope (I might end with Olivia Pope, but that's largely because of the fabulous coat she wore at the start of last episode and this is where it always goes off the rails...) and I can only hope that more people think first of the

That they were getting back all the prophylactics they passed around the room.

Prostate exams?

You're miserable if I recline, I'm miserable if I don't, guess who I'm gonna pick?

I ended up with a Book of Mormon sent to my house. Admittedly, I kinda caved a bit because he was cute and I figured it didn't matter if he had a girlfriend or not, but by the very end of the conversation it was wavering between "hey, anecdote!" and "I coulda been sleeping..."

I spent 20 years in the martial arts and have injured myself worse walking across my living room (3 ER visits—concussion, broken ankle, 12 stitches to the face) much worse than I managed to hurt myself getting kicked in the head (although avoiding the kicks was kinda the point).

At the very start of my last jobhunting period (let it be last, knock wood), I (unrelatedly) had an accident that resulted in my face being sliced open, and a pair of naturally thick lips became bigger with the split. And the stitches to hold them back together.

I'm trying to compensate for that by wearing male business attire (ciswoman as they come). So, I guess I am the weird one. But I knot a mean full Windsor, and I always know when I'm business formal.

Imagine the LAN parties! Off the HOOK.

Shit, I should have read further and found out you were a troll. I hate getting fooled like that, but I should know better by now.

Good writers should write good stories with good characters. But I don't want to read a book whose only characters are tone deaf Asian lesbians just because the author is one.

Bras have been lying to prospective mates since their inception. 97% of boobs don't do anything like that in reality. What's a bit of padding compared to creating cleavage from a vacuum and hoisting them from your navel to your armpits?

I shifted to low glycemic and it's had the startling side effects of losing weight and dissipating edema, but really I was just trying for an "anti-inflammatory" like diet to help with chronic migraines.

When I asked why Kinja needed "tweet on your behalf" I was told that it's the lowest rung on the authentication change and that they'd never tweet anything that I didn't tweet from inside Kinja.

What the quote seems to be saying to me (and this is tainted by knowing what's true, I admit), is that clinical depression isn't a reaction to circumstance, it's a chemical situation that exists independent of it, like you didn't get your cold because of hypothermia.

They were gonna give you that one? I can see how that would sting.

Especially now that we're out of pianos.

Bits or get the fuck out?

Would this even get past HR? Does it OCR? Will it get pulled into the resource databases of the recruiters, or would they have to type it up and therefore stick it at the bottom of the stack?

Isn't it a bit...cheesy to have an allure due to rarity. A picture is beautiful because of the picture. Judging someone based on those choices of unrelated people is a bit harsh.