Of course you can't. "Copyright law does not protect names, titles, or short phrases or expressions. Even if a name, title, or short phrase is novel or distinctive or lends itself to a play on words, it cannot be protected by copyright."
Of course you can't. "Copyright law does not protect names, titles, or short phrases or expressions. Even if a name, title, or short phrase is novel or distinctive or lends itself to a play on words, it cannot be protected by copyright."
Unless either space isn't their territory, or it's so much their territory that they don't modify the name. Or they don't modify it with that precise word.
Sounds like you need a lovers lane.
How many people are saying "I dunno. I'm not gonna see it unless the bad is XYZ (substitute nouns or adjectives as applicable here)"? Is that how a substantial amount of ticket purchase decisions are made?
Is this my cue to go into the barn and never come out again?
I think someone with that username has picked all the battles.
Don't be a hater—James Earl Jones has to go to the bathroom sometime.
Now that you mention it, I do suddenly realise that no gay person has ever been brought home to anyone's parents, and no gay person has ever gotten married (much less fought for the right to do so) or made a lifetime commitment to another gay person. In fact, no gay person has friends.
It doesn't have to be her choice to be dubious. (Not that there's any way to tell if she struck a pose or was told to adopt it—someone made a choice, and it's not making me want to shell out money to join that august club.)
I was wondering which comment made him change the title from confirm to claim—I think yours is most likely, and thank you for framing what I couldn't back up.
I'm voting for enveloping the toe of the shoe with the fleshy folds of her vulva. Who's with me? That's what I'm saying. I just don't think a stiletto heel is...forgiving enough.
But the choice to look like an Ewok is never not dubious. We both remember the same film, right?
Let me not stand in the way of your true love.
I'm awful. I love typing way too much.
I was wondering who else this user was venting their spleen on.
For someone who seems to be anti-whiney idiot and offended pussy, you sure do a good impersonation.
This, this I call dubious decision-making.
You can't tell those faces apart? I think I can tell those faces apart.
I'm not sure why you think I'd care that people who slag ficcers won't be coming round anymore. If you want me to feel your pain, stay. Keep laughing at people who weren't talking to you in the first place. Don't stop having fun on my account—in fact, do it to spite me.
Now we can add bullet on a chain to the yellow crayon and black Impala list of objects that will remind you how much you love, and therefore save the world. We're stacking them up!