This is even funnier if you read it as a response to the crime he actually committed. Thigh-slapping, in fact.
This is even funnier if you read it as a response to the crime he actually committed. Thigh-slapping, in fact.
What if this article is one of the things that we know 100% now that turns out to be incorrect (and maybe even for the reasons the OP gives)? Surely that's as likely as the OP being wrong, if we approach both positions with a total lack of knowledge.
If the UK had hope, they've forgotten to infuse the fiction about that time with it.
I was thinking that was part and parcel of unmanned exposure setting, but I can't find rules from a quick browse (did find the 2011 winners, though: )
>They have a strange lack of animation that just seems to emphasize how unnatural these "lesbian" scenes are.
An older version of when he was younger? Forsooth! That *never* happens.
"in the same way that real people fan fiction"
The TV where you live really doesn't sound as satisfying as what I get. I think I like mine better.
This whole article was invisible to you, or was it unimportant to you? You post like the whole thing didn't happen and you know nothing more than when you started.
To me devil->angel seemed more likely than dead people, but I tend to opt away from dead people being angels, and angels being separate (too much Supernatural?).
I think amputation was ruled out by the premise (127 Hours, etc). Not that it's not wicked cool, but just not the topic.