
If there is a group A, of 500 people that think Kristen Stewart should shut up and stop complaining, and there's a group B of 500 people that think the sun rises in Robert Pattinson's ass, and there's no intersection in the two groups—then I don't see your point. If the Kristen Stewart haters also are irritated by

Too true! Especially with a role model like Jayne around...there's no excusing being that kind of...ugh, educated and refined person.

It's a good, accessible place to outsource my memory.

Why do you view this as something other than a workplace safety measure?

It's very hard to tell if they're the same people. Your objection falls somewhat flat if the 20 people badmouthing her aren't the same 20 people kissing his ass. Flatter even should 4 or 5 of the people badmouthing her badmouth him too.

God, my job is boring...

Oh, I think Dr. Freud might have a few suggestions for you.

"Sadly, Moira isn't all that impressed by her sister's naked"

I have just learnt that if you image google "knotting dildo", the third picture, and one of the few with faces (recognisable or no) is from my fandom. Ah, crazy kids...

Okay, two things—Imagine NSYNC with wings having gay sex. Other thing—imagine Justin Bieber has a bone in his boner for lodging purposes, cat-fuck style.

Well, my particular fandom has angels (with no visible wings in the show, but still..this is better than the nesting fics, or the ones where the human (male) lays an egg), so it's an extrapolation.

"New research suggests that the spotty bumps that pepper the skin of crocodiles and alligators are even more receptive to touch than human fingertips"

Just needed to check if the parrot was alive or not.

It was about five years ago, and it did involve removing the keyboard—that's my transition from "ho, hum" to "fuck, I better OCD track these different sized screws" and we were way over in the latter.

Well, I guess, she no longer has to drop trou and moon people to get attention.

I don't put my (relatively short—only compared to hers) middle name on most legal docs. And no one's rapped my knuckles yet. I suspect she'll be fine, despite her obvious attention grabbing move.

If you interpreted my post to mean he couldn't do drama—that was bad communication on my part—the "playing a madcap girl" was a sarcastic reference to Soldier's Girl, in which he isn't even remotely whimsical. But monstrous father of two? I have yet to see *that* sort of presence from him, whereas I know that Ferguson

Moonlighting did not fall apart because they became a couple. I can't believe that myth still has legs. It fell apart for meta reasons, like pregnancy, movie roles, and HATE. Not a scripted romance,

Gained a large fanbase? Fringe?

Method? Seriously? I would not have said that...hmm. Interesting.