
Buffy: "Does it ever get easy?"

As noted upthread, she's not the first. The issue is establishing precedent.

Have they changed Hal Jordan to look like Ryan Reynolds? The costume to match his glowing striations? Did Talia Al Ghul now grow up with Bane?

It does really seem like a contrived conflict, at least from the trailer. If it's more complex than "Dude, here are her baby pictures! See the date in the EXIF date?" they should really try and sell that. Because they're tying to get me amped up for an epic battle based the teenie tiniest bit of misinformation. From

If I believed they were going to ever age her into The Wall, I wouldn't take as much issue. But what they've done is just erased some of the little diversity they have (Didio—aliens don't actually count as diverse...).

I know DC doesn't owe us any explanations (I mean, clearly they don't even owe us good narrative or characterisation), but was anything ever said why Amanda Waller was re-conceived as skinny, sexily clad, and out on the front lines, instead of her previous heavier, older, suit-clad behind the scenes badass mastermind?

I'm not clear on why I should believe that organic food has more nutrient value. What's the reasoning there? Healthier because less contamination by pesticides—that's pretty simple—Emilio posits there's a safe level, but zero will always be below it, so even if non-organic passes too, organic is a shoe in. Tastier—all

"the ending has to be one of three possibilities"

So you think it's the law that will end his freedom? Well, law and his choice? I admit I wasn't really sure what he was doing this last ep, if he had some sort of nefarious puppet-master ultimate plan, but it seemed honest enough.

My hope is that Jesse is involved in Walter's comeuppance (which should be pretty severe at this time). I don't want this to be a "bwah ha haha!" sort of a show where our protagonists are used to illustrate the never-ending presence of evil..

I went through it all in real time, and I wouldn't give that up for anything....except the ability to marathon it all for the first time.

My favourite WhoLock is unsurprisingly SuperWhoLock. I came to it through this person: , There have also been a few WhoLocks floating around where the premise is that the Doctor visited a lonely oversmart abused little boy, and promised him safety and adventure,

I can't work out if I want to find one highly special "Welcome to Winchester" animated gif, or just try and track another entertaining one any time someone says they're getting into it.

I think some of these guys have dropped out of school one or more times. At least one was *way* older than the rest of the student body when he stopped paying attention, so that can't really be held against him.

Depends on how you define success, but I think Dean's GED and give 'em hell attitude looks very good on him...

Of course it's bullshit. It's a movie junket. They'd say the world is flat to sell the film. We weren't born yesterday. This is the game we play.

I don't know if 10% of the people posting here are smart. No reason to extrapolate any better for acting.

My experience with actors and showbiz has been different. And I'm good with that.

I would say it's not decreased, but it also only explains under 10% of the profession (*if* that), so it's hardly typical.

Don't ask me to be nice. I'm not very good at it. I'll probably just make things worse...