
The group I'm referring to is clearly wider than the OP, since the OP was and continues to be one person. I specified that it's a group I know, and I went on to give some qualities of said group which indicate it's not everyone.

Kinja is my nemesis, seriously. I've been hiding on the Observation Deck for weeks and weeks. I'm avoiding a deadline at work, so...random reading of actual articles. I'll know it's too far if I end up on

::golf clap::

Does the set of humans who are social outcasts intersect with the set of humans that are girls? If so, does that intersection hate themselves and/or other girls?

It's ruined? Really? How about he's a minority, maybe not the only one, but he's not persecuted because of that—everyone's pretty clear about why harass him.

In your world, is Annalee actually going around and saying "Clone me!" to everything, or do you live in a world with flippant remarks?

I'm going to assume that you didn't realise that I was talking of a specific group I know of of genre TV fandom, right?

The wider public I know of (primarily genre TV fandom, little-to-no comics) didn't know there was a guy named Iron Man or Captain America before the movies, and they thought "Hey! Thor's not a Norse god? Is Loki going to give birth to an eight legged horse in this movie, or the sequel?" and all those movies did just, I'm not seeing the resemblance.

Interesting...inevitable...either way.

I think that just shows a lack of imagination on your part, really.

You rang????

Enjoying the work is one thing—if they're good enough, maybe. Contributing to their paycheque? Some people are never getting another penny of my money, even at one remove.

Seriously? Do you mean that in an "I don't care about his morals, I'll contribute to his paycheque anyway" sort of a way? Because I can tell you why he's never getting another penny of mine, or I can move on.

I'm good with Cruise's derangement, because he's only messing up Top Gun for me. And, it's time for me to put away such things. After all, I'm old enough for real gay porn now.

Not so much Stanley Dover as Ben, you mean?

She has been asked if she's going to change it. She says it's no big deal. Her daughter's all "He's not adopting me—I'm not touching that with a ten foot pole."

Aren't we all? Aren't we all?

I know a Moyston-Cumming.

I get a lot of people who think my real name is my internet nym.