
This is pretty much what all the space habitats looked like when I was "coming up" reading science fiction. Isn't that completely unremarkable yet? Or did the genre lose touch with the "standard" wheel space station and think it was (re-)introduced relatively recently, as opposed to "how it's done"?

It really doesn't have to raise hope, though. All hope was dashed before the episodes (that aired) were done airing. In fact, there might have been no hope when Fox made their wishes about the pilot known (no, not Wash—the first episode). And I mean that in an entirely not-mean way. I think that maintaining the

However, I'm sure that if there was a Farscape post, I'd make a point to go into it and tell someone that I thought the show they were excited about was trash...wait, no I wouldn't. Damn. I forgot. I'm not that rude.

Good call—I'm sure they're lying when they say they spoke to him, because they're totally the sort of site that lies, AMIRITE?

Is this your opinion after reading the article, or before?

We did this for my father one Father's Day. Well, at least we thought we did. Before we told him, I found out how hoaxy and bullshit the whole thing was. Which, makes sense, when you spend more than five minutes thinking about it.

I'm not so much watching the show as I am looking at it, and sometimes I hear. I see you have our demon torturer extraordinaire, Alistair. Be careful around him. He cannot be trusted. If he hasn't told you he wants the worst possible outcome, he's a lying liar who dies.

Dawn was usually in trouble on Tuesdays, so I dunno. "Awesome, another horseman, must be Thursday." is Supernatural, with whom they have at least one actor overlap.

Kindred was my first (my mother doesn't make many forays into recommending genre books, but this was golden). I'm not sure which was/were my favourite—perhaps the Xenogenesis trilogy? Basically I love everything except Fledgling. That gives me a sad—and I wonder if she'd have changed it any if she'd lived longer.

I can't believe someone got to the word "squirtle" before I did...

Was this a problem with the clone, its progeny (and is it the same whether the clone was male or female) or both?

I think that Wolverine achieved an in-universe ubiquity unparalleled (thankfully) by anyone else that leaked out into the real world that Iron Man never managed. Right now, IM is riding the crest of one very entertaining movie that converted many non-comics people, and two more fun outings.

You read it, though, right?

Keeping his hand in as a new addition to the Fast and Furious franchise doesn't count, or isn't enough? He's done some more adult-oriented action in the last few years, as well as doing Journey and stuff.

A lot of friends I have who, say, watched Buffy religiously and came online to discuss it, but hadn't picked up any comics only knows about those characters what the movies told them. And some of that is draining away with time between movies. So I wouldn't call them immediately recognisable like Supes, Batman, or

Where do you stand on Wolverine? I think that question boils down to how high-selling/omnipresent can you be in the realm of comics themselves, and not on your average Jill or Joe's superperson (I say person, wondering if villains make the list—I'd think that Joker does, Lex might, Catwoman a little, but I'm not

I gotta agree with SoThor—how is following canon a huge plot twist? Millions of people are figuring it's going to happen.

How do the people that make these get the non-standard pieces? Are the culled from another set, or somehow made by the artist?

It's a painting: or he's a thief.

Is the alternative living in the North? Because, ick.