
I can't find precisely what I want. Oddly I might have to draw my own.

Luckily I am no longer bound by those strictures...

And why wouldn't a racist person think that, and then take another racist step and make the sneakers?

I don't see how assuming racist things about the demo of these sneakers offloads the racism onto the critic. Wouldn't it makes sense that if someone was racist enough to make these *they'd* also be racist enough to make the assumptions about trendy sneaker wearers?

I am finding it not worthwhile coming to any solid conclusions based on the way the facts are presented in articles here (let's not get started about gawker)—it takes at least reading the linked source articles to get perspecctive on what's going on.

What I was trying to say is that I know enough Jekyll and Hydes that I think they are a non-negligible (if not even the majority) of trolls—people who are definitely using the shield of their anonymity (which they'll admit to—anon), or powering through being a shithead because they don't actually see the people

And this is a simpler explanation than you not being right, or hell, them being wrong but just not sharing your opinion?

Because no one disagrees with you unless they're being paid?

This is patently false. I am provably sweet in meatspace.

I am sad that this is true for other people, but it's not true for me. I have changed minds in online discussion, and I have changed my mind, as I learnt. Do you really just shore up the opinions you showed up with? That's kinda bleak...

So what you're saying is that you're making stuff up.

This is pretty much my zenith of giant teddy bear appreciation.

Interesting. Do you have anything to back that up?

There's a giant teddy bear wandering around. It's clearly some sort of fantasy something. It's just not one you like.

I tend to get sick when I come back from the Third World, not when I go there. I am pretty slack about precautions, though. If it's good enough to live in my mother's gut, I'll suck it up (so to speak) and deal.

Yeah, but...

What did you pick up and where? I mean, I go to Jamaica all the time, and I've never brought company back.

I really really wish I wasn't at work right now, because I want to supply visuals.

Are we too delicate for "different" now? I don't understand why they don't want to go wacked out—will the "mundanes" get lost? Geez, give an audience some credit, will you?

They're not just sluts, they're rapists.