It's good TV is writing for/from the minds of teenaged girls, then. The tough woobie-in-pain is a staple of...god, everything. I'm watching FNL right now, and that's precisely what Kitsch is playing. It's Dean Winchester. It's either of the Salvatore brothers. God, it's everywhere.
It's weird that people are saying the text doesn't specify the colour of his eyes, just that they're the colour of the sea. It's pretty explicit: "Finnick O'Dair's famous sea-green eyes are only inches from mine."
Kitsch can't do cocky? He made his name being cocky.
That's where I am too, but I still can't find them.
WEll, they have gone easier on the genocide angle recently—I'll give them that.
You seem to be seeing a tension that's not there. If you don't buy the "more literary = more deserving of love" (and it's plenty easy not to), it's a pretty simple comparison of the styles, and must we have so much peace that we don't compare and contrast? The pitchforks and angry peasants are pretty easy to avoid,…
If you're interpreting any of that to mean that Matt Smith is no longer the doctor, you're mistaken.
Do you think they don't have a circadian cycle?
You needed arithmetic for many clocks, right? I think that was a big enabler.
Well, not on your *first* Ferrari, but where else is the appropriate place for a "My other car is a Ferrari" sticker?
To me it just feels more grownup. I won't make a case for that being more literary or not. Just, as a tween in the 80s, I felt like they were targeting me—and I was involved in Who fandom, and it was very definitely a YA feel.
SGU postdates BSG setting the example, and follows it to a tee.
I think BSG is different enough from Firefly to stand on its own. The grim'n'gritty no one-ever-laughs-even-in-the-face-of-dangers contradicts a lot of the last gasp humour that Firefly was infused with. And that also set it apart from the shiny Trek (even DS9 was shinier than BSG) and the more nuanced Firefly, and…
Imagine if he turned those skills to picking up women! All that spiel and a funny hat, and he's neck deep in chick flesh.
Where are these people? I mean the ones he hasn't found yet? I only need 3 or 4 to fund my retirement...
All the article needs, then, is a different thesis. I'd not argue these episodes aren't genius, but that's not what's being posited. Buffy paved the way for a lot of things, but if *that* had been the key episode, maybe TV would be better, and the sff genre specifically.