
Is party time, yes?

Do you just spend your time here looking for the word “Russia” so you could post more bullshit? We get it grandpa, you lived through the cold war and the Russkis were everywhere - shit, maybe your parents were secret commies. You’re an American - why would you visit a place, anyways? 60% of the country doesn’t even

Stopped reading at “weight does not matter.”

Not sure what article you read, but it clearly wasn’t mine.

I’d argue that “enthusiasts” should give zero fucks about resale. Performance vehicles are a purchase of passion not reason.

No Z? $29,900.

Meanwhile in Finland

The Accord is probably more American made than the Camero

Ah, the good old days. When Russia was run by a harmless drunk, and the US was run by a harmless philanderer. Well, harmless unless you were an intern. But globally speaking, yeah.

Cool, someone actually bought an MKT!

Actually, its a Su-27UB.

Junkers JU87 Stuka agrees with this post

Uh, of course its “propaganda”. Why? That’s because it did not cost billions and billions of freshly printed green paper to implement the system, right?

I wouldn’t totally knock Russia’s ‘dumb bombs’.

This is the first review I’ve ever read that mocked both German model nomenclature and the fact that all car reviews of cars-previously-called-great as innadequate lumps of garbage, and for that the author deserves some sort of award.

Just don’t buy the GPS the U.S. navy puts on its boats, it doesn’t seem to know where Iran is, or where coral reefs are in the Philippines

LOL, coming from the country that killed what, close to a million civilians in the last decade? I know I know - seeing your government-funded terrorists being blown up must be heartbreaking for you. Should’ve used the money to buy a water treatment plant for Flint - the world was hoping the next generation of

Here’s the production version caught in the wild: