Who needs tail lights when you are not going to show them to anyone in a race ever.
Who needs tail lights when you are not going to show them to anyone in a race ever.
Very impressive numbers Chevy, it took many mods and practice runs for me to run low 12 second quarter miles and yet any idiot can walk into Chevy dealership and drive away with a 12 second car without doing a thing or even spending much money, that's impressive
I just came from a trip to Canada where Tim Hortons is on every corner. On the way back home I made a rest stop in upstate New York and in an area where you can see 6 different fast food places from one intersection, the only one with a huge line was Tim Hortons. All other places had 0 people waiting in line. I think…
Where can I subscribe to news alerts from Captain Obvious?
I don’t think you get it. It's like playing the guitar vs listening a recording of a professional guitarist. Listening to a recording is much easier and any idiot can do it but it's NOT the same thing.
Is this why UK left the EU? Couldn’t tolerate one more week of the red belt buckle oppression.
I've never watched this show, is it worth getting FIOS BBC-whatever channel package it runs on or should I just watch it online or is it a complete waste of time?
In Soviet Russia, the car drives you! (to the vodka store) Na zdorovie!
236 people tried to kill me by driving in my general direction just today, can I take a dump in my pants and just shoot them all like a cop or should I attempt to use just a little bit of judgment and common sense?
Why you looking at me bro, I'm just in a hurry to meet my 72 virgins.
So it costs 70-150k more than Alfa (depending on options) to be 1 sec faster around the track? Sounds like Panamera is a huge waste of money, just get Alfa and throw a mild tune on it or a set of stickier tires.
Breaking News: US highways are full of morons who drive too slow in the first lane while towing all matter of stupid cargo which they do not secure to their shitty truck.
Sounds like they need to beef up security over there.
5 years is how long it will take for them to steal and reverse engineer driverless car from Google.
So this version of ZF transmission is about as dangerous as every manual transmission ever made. Lol Seems like the people who buy Chrysler cars are simply not the smartest tools in the shed.
Because that's Mazda's real motto: instead of "zoom-zoom" it's "why waste the engineering time on something that silly".
This car is what you get when the engineers from a company that make billions by producing rebadged Camries also known as Lexus try to build a "sport sedan". It’s so ugly that you risk turning into a stone statue if you look at it for too long. It’s too heavy and unwieldy to be a sports car while the seats and the…
Richard Rawlings is an absolute useless character on the show, he gets repetitive and annoying after just 1 episode, they can cut him and his blatant advertisement of his own business completely and just focus on Aaron and other people who actually work on the cars, throw in some racing, some car restoration tips and…
I see so many nice cars destroyed when they get rear ended by a fucking Camry that I think Camry is the most evil thing in the universe. Next time you pass an accident look at the car that caused it, there's a good chance it's a Camry.
You are correct, too bad the Americans were too proud to ask for this technology to be installed on shuttles Challenger and Columbia.