
Jamie kills his sister and then fucks her one last time, for old times sake...

5 years is how long it will take for them to steal and reverse engineer driverless car from Google.

So this version of ZF transmission is about as dangerous as every manual transmission ever made. Lol Seems like the people who buy Chrysler cars are simply not the smartest tools in the shed.

Because that's Mazda's real motto: instead of "zoom-zoom" it's "why waste the engineering time on something that silly".

Is that why High Sparrow was so pissed at the 1%, was he just trying to build socialism in Westeros? lol

This car is what you get when the engineers from a company that make billions by producing rebadged Camries also known as Lexus try to build a "sport sedan". It’s so ugly that you risk turning into a stone statue if you look at it for too long. It’s too heavy and unwieldy to be a sports car while the seats and the

Richard Rawlings is an absolute useless character on the show, he gets repetitive and annoying after just 1 episode, they can cut him and his blatant advertisement of his own business completely and just focus on Aaron and other people who actually work on the cars, throw in some racing, some car restoration tips and

I see so many nice cars destroyed when they get rear ended by a fucking Camry that I think Camry is the most evil thing in the universe. Next time you pass an accident look at the car that caused it, there's a good chance it's a Camry.

You are correct, too bad the Americans were too proud to ask for this technology to be installed on shuttles Challenger and Columbia.

When is she getting eaten by Godjira?

If exterior paint could be written off as "quirky" or "unusual", denim interior can only be described as "fucking awful" and "holy shit that's horrible".


I'm conflicted on this because on one hand - Hillary is terrible, on the other hand Trump presidency might lead to the end of the world and voting for Jill Stein who I like and respect is nearly the same thing as voting for Trump because Jill Stein has exactly 0 chance of winning and each vote not cast for Hillary is

Isn’t it a little silly to put same sex marriage question to a vote, all it does is answer the question are you bigoted or not.

Democracy isn't perfect, letting common people vote on a complicated economic issue they don't understand can lead to unpredictable results, it's sort of like running a nuclear reactor by polling random people on what actions to take, sooner or later it will lead to a meltdown.

Exterior is well done but interior is reminiscent of a used Toyota Camry. I'm sure this car should be a good investment being 1 of 1, it will sell for double the price in 10-20 years.

Yes British royalty is a sad looking inbred human waste product without a goal or purpose in life, however the alternative to having such a royal family would be doing what Russians did and murdering them all which is much worse then looking at the stupid face of prince William once in a while.

It’s about time they came out of the closet, let’s be honest, they just secretly want to be like the cop from Village People.

Stephen King uses ghost writers, some of them die and turn into ghosts, then he writes about his ghost writers turning into ghosts and makes $$$.

I’m sure tons of women will be sufficiently impressed with 64 shades of ambient lighting, tablet dashboard and various automation features of this car to the point where they will be leasing these E classes in droves pretty soon. It doesn’t matter that these features will require constant trips to the dealer, anyone