
Easy fix, Elon Musk will send one of his rockets into the sun and explode it. Problem solved.

I’m no psychoanalyst but you seem to have developed some sort of an inferiority complex towards German cars. Japan builds some very good cars, sadly Miata is not one of them, you can only consider it “fun to drive” if you’ve never driven something better and there’s nothing sadder than watching stock Miata embarrass

Wow, this is one of the shittiest interiors I've ever seen.

That's all great and everything, but I'd rather have all of the above benefits without enlisting and without wasting said money on yet another useless bomber.

I feel like Michael Ballaban lives on a different planet. Now, granted Miata is not a bad car, but it’s not perfect or even great. Power is definitely lethargic, even by the standards of 20 years ago. Suspension is too soft, transmission is too mushy, the whole thing is clunky and the interior screams: “Attention

You can be as concerned as you want but nobody will be using bombers against the Russians, not even someone as insane as Trump.

The cost of the program is classified because it's somewhere between all the free stuff Bernie promised to his electorate and a quantizillion dollars. But who wants 4 weeks paid vacations, free college and healthcare when you can bomb goat farmers half way across the world with a slighter greater accuracy than before.

It's simple math, for every true car enthusiasts they lose, they will gain 187278912 wanna be racers who will love their shiny new "AMG"-ish Benz.

People don't usually buy Ferrari to go fast. Most Ferraris spend their time parked in the garage or outside of some expensive establishment looking pretty. On the other hand, people DO buy GTR to go fast.

You do realize GTR brakes are 6 piston with HUGE 2-piece rotors? Can't really compare that to tiny economy sized brakes on MX-5

If by "best" you mean most overpriced, unreliable and requiring the most trips to the dealer than by all means it's the S class.

More evidence that all Lexi are nothing but terminators, biting their time but ready to strike.

The poor homeless clutch needs to have a sad look and teary eyes if we are to save the manuals.

4 door car being made with a coupe-only odd-numbered 2 series badge and it makes perfect sense. Next up, BMW will introduce limousine convertible, a racecar minivan and a family-oriented monster truck.

Here in MD they let me pull in by myself. I’m not even sure why we have to go to this place at all as my car doesn’t have a functional exhaust system yet it passes smog with flying colors as long as I don't have a check engine code.

I drive a manual with a stage 2 twin plate racing clutch and adjustable clutch pedal set to a very high engagement point, I've seen seasoned mechanics repeatedly stall when trying to move my car.

It would be funny if people buy tickets thinking they will be on TV because of Gas Monkey but all they see once they get onboard are 2000 geriatrics and a pet monkey with gas.

Skip all the pain in the ass listed in this article and follow my easy 3 steps: 1. Saw off your neighbor's catalytic converter. 2 take it to the junkyard. 3. Profit!

Some asshole in a shitty pickup truck destroys a gorgeous Z. Because 'Murica.

This is Mazda product we are talking about so it will look great, have amazing interior, good handling and be powered by a rotary engine with all the horsepower of a lawnmower which has to be overhauled every 50k miles.