
Sorry but your argument doesn’t hold any water, this one guy doing 170mph on a public road is pretty bad but it’s a 1000 times more likely that you will be killed by a sober soccer mom doing speed limit in her minivan than by a guy doing 170mph. So says a little thing called statistics. So taking him off the road does

I think you are comparing original 2003 auto G35 to the newest accord and camry, if you going to do that you should compare 2003 to 2003. Also C&D knows dick about how to launch these cars, in fact they know dick about cars period.

Look I agree it a complete waste of money, however how is it slower than camry or accord? When I used to own 06 G35 it did quarter mile in 13.8 when completely stock. I'm fairly certain that's not slower than any camry or accord of any year up to and including 2016.

First off the college isn’t bankrupted. Second of all, I’ve seen several college expansions, they are always VERY expensive as you have to buy tons of property and then pay for big construction projects and are never guaranteed to work. There’s nothing she has done that’s in any way questionable of out of the

There's a 100% chance of Bernie's taxes not having anything shocking in them, he has his wife do them for god's sake. I'm much more interested in Hillary releasing her secret speeches to the Wall Street.

This is a great list if you are mentally retarded and know nothing about politics.

You can have dinan tune on M2 and then it's a much better car than dinan 235

I saw the "ultra rare" M7 the other day. I had to point and laugh at the idiot who was driving it.

It's funny how they've spent untold millions to develop GTR's awesome AWD system just to throw it out on this drift car. This is mostly marketing stunt or they would have used modified 370z, they can deliver over a 1000hp at a fraction of the cost.

This is great coming from a guy who makes everything in Mexico. Can we make America great again by building a wall around Trump?

Jumpy Jimmy would be an even better name.

Government is like: F U, VW, we are the only ones who are allowed to lie to general public.

That's like saying: "computers are a lazy way of calculating things, lets see them make a moon landing by using nothing but an old abacus."

Smarphone is basically a toy and a status symbol in poor countries, it's not the same thing as an airbag.

Of course people don’t want to buy, if someone invented a pill that would let you live 10 years longer, most people would not even buy it and some would see it as evil. But if government mandates it, before long it becomes widely used an uncontroversial.

Corolla is celebrating 50 years of blocking other cars by driving slow in the fast lane. Yay!

The guy probably hates Triumph and that's why he got angry.

Hi! What happened with the GTR-engined Eau Rouge Infiniti sedan? Will it make a comeback or is it dead?

I get it, you bought a car with cheap rent-a-car interior and now you are trying to defend it but saying how others interiors suck. Is Infiniti interior the best in the business? Not even close. Is it comparable to Acura and Lexus? Yes, sometimes better sometimes worse, but generally close, I own both of those cars as

Yes, my 10 year old Infiniti interior is A LOT better than brand new interior out of a $50k Shelby. I will not even compare it to a new generation Infiniti interior because it’s light years ahead so it’s just not fair. But again, Mustang was never built to have nice interior as it was never a priority and I'm sure