I can't agree with your argument of "they don't make sports cars anymore" because you are using old definition of what sports car is while the times, technology and the definition itself have all certainly changed a lot.
I can't agree with your argument of "they don't make sports cars anymore" because you are using old definition of what sports car is while the times, technology and the definition itself have all certainly changed a lot.
They can carry 6 cruise missiles, 5000lbs each, looks something like this
This is why you can't sell anything to China.
Anything from Toylexus. Or toiletsucks.
QX80 was the ugliest SUV for a while, now the new Lexus LX has that title, just look at it
In Soviet Russia, car drives you!
Knowing Mazda this will look awesome, have great features, nice interior, good reviews and power of a half-broken antique lawnmower.
How to make a good luxury-performance coupe: take RC350 and do the opposite of everything they've done.
Not to worry, when China sees how messed up Florida really is, they will drop all plans to annex it and sail back to China first thing in the morning.
Here's an award for dumbest statement ever. Congrats!
I agree with your point, USSR used to spend huge amounts of money on defense, so they were building very competitive airframes although they had different requirements than American built counterparts - ie being able to take off and land in the middle of nowhere, less independence for the pilot as the ground control…
I think you are missing the point. I would much rather have a reskinned successful airframe with upgraded avionics than a trillion dollar disaster that is F-35
First case of autonomous car road rage as well as first car on human murder will take place.
I'm glad that after giving 1 trillion dollars a year to Pentagon, general Odierno finally learned what every 5 year old Russian kid knows - gotta change train wheels when crossing into eastern bloc countries. Money well spent!
What kind of an idiot is proud of the US drone fleet? I mean it's a good fleet to be sure but did you build it, did you fly it, did you repair it, did you maintain it? Then why the fuck are you proud of something you had absolutely nothing to do with?
Cuban missile crisis started when US stationed Jupiter MRBM missiles in Turkey and pointed them at USSR. Somehow this fact always gets skipped over and the whole story skips to Khrushchev angrily banging his shoe at the UN and shipping nukes to Cuba.
Hate to ruin your perfectly worded propaganda-rich drivel but Putin is looking anything but weak to the world right now. It’s the US that is not only looking weak but stupid and impotent as US has no strategy in Syria other than “let’s supply weapons to Al Qaeda and attack everyone else”. Yeah, that is not going to…
Wait a second, so you are saying that this movie is bullshit?????? Mind blown...
Afghanistan had nothing to do with Soviet Union collapse, neither did Reagan. That’s just a story made up by someone to impress simpleminded idiots. Soviet Union collapsed when oil prices plummeted to $10 a barrel. SU\Russia economic strength is directly related to oil prices.
Is it me or does the front end look BMWish?