It was actually a good place to read spoiler discussions of movies I didn't want to actually watch, but was still curious to know the endings.
What a load of *beep*
What is this, the high hat?
But at least we affirmed our core American value of maintaining proper email security!
That's bad!
But do you like him now that he's mainstream?
It's so dense. Every single word has so much annoyance going on.
Strange bedfellows indeed!
I think he's rad!
She really sits around the town!
I can't believe we have a president who makes W look like a dignified statesman. Or even Dan Quayle.
On the plus side, they'll only have to endure one or two of these before the United States is reduced to radioactive slag by Chinese nuclear missiles!
In Putin Russia, elections steal you!
I for one deplore depictions of vviolence.
The Adventures of Chewbacchus and Han Solocup
The A.V. Trump
That header photo does look like how he'd look the second before the bus hit him.
Yuck. I'm definitely gonna miss this