Wasn’t that the plan in Casino Royale? Short the airline stock, then blow up their new fancy plane?
Wasn’t that the plan in Casino Royale? Short the airline stock, then blow up their new fancy plane?
“Family matters” roughly translates to “I want to have sex with my wife ever again.”
Former military here, if I recall correctly this would just extend the time you are paying. When I was in (about 20 years ago), you paid $100 a month for the first year. This would add another year.
I doubt it is, but my first guess was a green bean casserole.
You bastards! We could have had taco trucks on every corner, instead we get this.
I know that the whiteness of the Patriots offense is always an easy target, but it’s not as if any of those players are scrubs. What team wouldn’t take the production they get from Gronk, Edelman, or Hogan?
On the other hand, you have a ton of these people clogging up their servers in a game that already has had a ton of DDOS problems. It’s fine if they have to spin up more servers who actually play the game, but not for people who want to just sit and do nothing.
Well, I’ve seen plenty of Warriors up around 60-80 health with their armor.
Hey now, the way I hear it, 45 is the sole source of unvarnished truth in America. http://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2017/1/27/14395978/donald-trump-lamar-smith
I’m sure the police will acknowledge their mistake after this guy stabs a woman who just couldn’t recognize what a nice guy he is.
I was under the impression you shouldn’t do muscle-building exercise on consecutive days. I’ve always heard that you should take a day off in between, to let your muscles heal and grow. Maybe that advice is out of date though.
this creates culture of dependency and goes against healthy lifestyles and care, even for an NFL player
I Image-ine that Patricia is the Dark Horse that could topple him. It will take a Valiant effort though.
He says “Be careful not to choke on your aspirations.” Aspirations. It makes it double-punny.
In the US they’re “lone nutjobs”. They’re just defective white folks, you shouldn’t suggest they’re tied to an actual ideology, or the product of a toxic system that’s taught them that only their views matter.
Looking at the picture in that tweet, how much you wanna bet Trump’s dislike for him stems from the fact that De Blasio is taller than he is?
Nice try, smart guy, it’s turtles all the way down.
Another fun fact: who’s the QB with the best record for the Browns since they returned to Cleveland? Your man Brian Hoyer. Also the only QB with a record above .500 I believe.
I picked up Overwatch because of the open beta. At the time I was kinda lukewarm on the game, there seemed to be a bunch of similar things on the horizon (Battleborn, Paladins, Gigantic, etc.) so I figured I’d wait it out and see what seemed best. Then they had the open beta, and I wound up pre-ordering as soon as it…
I guess a league where most team owners are corrupt or incompetent (and often both) will make a great fit Las Vegas. The hit that the local education system takes from lack of funds will be fitting too, since Vegas is basically built on the fact that some people are bad at basic math, with approval of this deal being…