I learned about it from Civilization V.
I learned about it from Civilization V.
My prevailing memory of the maple bat controversy was the time Nick Green nearly got impaled by one:
Damn, this is bad news for my unofficial spiritual sequel, Alleys of Anger.
Maybe Ward should have stretched before the game?
I thought that was standard practice in the music business?
Ventura seemed to do okay I guess. Reagan obviously was pretty successful, even if it was to the detriment of decent people.
Since it’s implied that she gets together with the guy in the one where she survives as well, I’d say the moral is more that the good things are going to find you no matter what.
Honestly, he’s really needed something like this to come along. There have been a lot of “Can Beto actually win in Texas?” articles and they all usually cite that one of his biggest problems is that people just don’t know who he is. So something like this that starts pulling national attention seems like a positive…
I imagine if they suspect you’re throwing games, say for gambling purposes, they could suspend you or something similar.
If I were Iran or North Korea I’d be pretty nervous right now.
Crazy Idea! Attach flags at every ballcarrier’s waist, if the defenders can grab one, that counts as a tackle. It will cut out the ambiguity and cut way down on injuries. Trust me, this is gold.
He might also sing a song about abortion where no one gets stoned to death at the end.
Is she the one he called a “disgusting little pig” or does he have more kids?
Hmm, I’m sure if we carry this scorpion across the river it won’t do anything stupid that will doom us both...
“This is my brother Darryl, and my other brother Darryl.”
Based on the Dallas hashtag, I’m guessing it was in reference to the dude that killed a bunch of cops. The one the cops blew up with a bomb disposal robot. I don’t recall if he actually claimed any affiliation with BLM though.
Apparently it will allow offline play.
That’s what I was thinking. A buck per pack? You must be getting that fancy stuff.
I don’t know, some are okay and some of them are kinda bland, but when they try to get “creative”, you wind up with Batgirl screwing Batman.
Typically they lose game checks, which I think would fall under non-guaranteed.