
It'd be cool if someone came back as a half-wight like Benjen

The ultimate twist is that Gendry really was still rowing and only just arrived in Kings Landing

I couldn't appreciate Daria when I was younger, but randomly watching a clip the other day has me binging the entire series

Baelish done fucked up and he is so aware of it it's great.

Had to go back and see if all of the Freys were in the deadpool

It's almost like the whole season was filler with everything coming back full circle at Taystee pointing the gun at Piscatella

Thank you, someone had to make the comment

I give it less than 2 years before we see a trailer for a similar show with a lower budget on Syfy

Two most annoying characters in season 1 are now my favorite: Octavia and Murphy

Monty gets his first taste and the hormones tell him he can't live without it

No wonder comedians are having a hard time

If Nickelodeon keeps their tentacles out of this, I'm expecting one of the best darkly animated comedies of this age

It's amazing how much I wanted Murphy dead in season 1 as much as I want him alive now

I love how the show acknowledges through Gypsy that the team has three speedsters only to have them all get their asses handed to them

Did a little looking and the actress playing Sonja, Hannah John-Kamen, actually voiced a role in Dark Souls and Dark Souls II

Now I think back in the first episode this season when Bran asks Hodor what happened, and Hodor gives Bran this look like "you did," but of course it just comes out as "hodor."

Damn I have more in common with Lemongrab than I thought…

Fuck Olly

What do they know? Do they know things? Let's find out.

Read through Infinity Gauntlet and Infinity War while at work last week. If they manage to fit the cosmic entities, like Eternity, into the movie, I might just shit my pants.