
TV's are simply not just monitors and clearly you have never tried to play PC games on a TV before otherwise you wouldn't be saying that (or no very much about electronics either for you to make such a stupid comment). Certain games have issues displaying properly on a TV and most TV's don't support dual link DVI

yea but the point of the article is about console games and PC games and using console games to illustrate your point sorta undermines your intentions as the majority of games intended for PC ... especially since you attempt to accentuate your argument by mentioning all those exclusives for PC kinda betrays your point

Everything DocSeuss says is exaggerated, he just likes to bitch and moan and argue with people. Anything he can say to get rise out of someone. Very little of what he types makes sense, nor does he research his points before bitching.

it just seems weird you would bring up those games when warframe especially is probably the most fair when it comes to Free to Play games especially in comparison to XBDone games which you pay to play then pay more to unlock the rest.
They are practically giving warframe away for free.

Warframe is free to play and you dont have to drop a dime to enjoy it. The only thing money does in that game is unlock stuff faster or buy cosmetic changes. It's a port of a PC title ... they can't give you an entire game for free and then not expect to make any money from it .

Blacklight is also 100% free ...
How much

Aren't all those games free? Warframe is 100% free you don't have to spend a dime to play that game and experience 100% of the content. The only thing you would use money for is to unlock cosmetic changes and to unlock specific weapons instantly instead of farming them same with frames etc.
PlanetSide 2 also free,

it's kind of ironic you would bring up console ports in a pc discussion don't you think ?

Unless you are playing games designed for the console on PC then its an absolute falsehood to go around saying most games on the PC aren't designed around Mouse and keyboard as mouse and keyboard are the default. Also considering that the majority of games on PC are shooters or in first person perspective why would

lol its funny how you came in trying to correct the OP with basic information that didn't pertain to what he was saying then swiftly got corrected and put back in your place for trying to appear superior and snarky. The internet is great.

lol its funny how you came in trying to correct the OP with basic information that didn't pertain to what he was saying then swiftly got corrected and put back in your place for trying to appear superior and snarky. The internet is great.

At least you are feeding people by dipping fries into hot grease. Playing games on twitch ... while enjoyable and easy to do as far as jobs go, is not productive at all. Maybe that's what the OP is trying to get at. Someone should strive to do better. Lackadaisically playing games and sitting on your ass all day

You should have posted a the pic from Microsoft Last week for comparison. You know most of your readers are stupid and looking for a fight. It is sort of a dick move from Sony after Microsoft was Gracious.

All Reviews are subjective. There is no empirical way to determine if someone likes a game. There are good reviews and bad reviews, this is a bad review.

Generally any review that tries to summarize their opinion with a score or a simple yes or no is a bad review. However the content of the review and the analysis is