Ser. Bigboote-Wiggums

I don’t know what to tell you, I watched it until the part where they got to that bar. Nothing unusual had happened yet and I have no reason to imagine something surprising was about to happen. Salma Hayek was just singing some boring song, snore. 

Interesting techniques, but it seems like using butter at that temp is taking it way beyond the smoke point and also burning the milk solids (unless it’s clarified), which would lead to off flavors.

Elden Ring’s punishing boss battles and deadly dungeons crawls are the opposite of what I want when I’m high, but the open-world part of the game is perfect for an altered mind. From the peaceful-but-accursed vibe of Limgrave to the blasted hell-scape of Caelid, its settings are on-another-level beautiful, and

Good thing you didn't click on it

What’s anything really even worth, maaaan? Money’s not real.

Then there’s this guy:

Update at 4:12 PM EDT: It’s a boy!

Absolutely, a cheeseburger every other hour is fine!

I don’t know how much difference it makes any more, but I figure it can’t hurt to flag the assholes. 

Check the comment history. That’s a racist troll.

I just stick to slice of life and I am picky about it but more so with action anime shows because I don’t need any time wasted with episodes of fillers and episodes that stops the pace of the show which animes usually do because japan can’t stick to telling a story without making up more side stories to tell a story.

It’s definitely one of the more annoying traits of PRESTIGE TV today. Snowpiercer is hilarious in its overt "hey, it's been ten minutes, time for a random butt!" frequency

That’s the UNSC’s ass.

Has Chief banged any aliens yet?  Can’t be Mass Effect if there ain’t alien sexy time

I can’t believe they showed us his master cheeks.

People don’t buy loads of the same comic book.

That too. Despite many of my friends from my hometown and undergrad having kids, only a handful from grad school have them. CORRELATION, much!?

This guy below me, Huckleberry, is complaining about this post and Kotaku. I don’t get what’s so bad about this article.

For starters, Pokemon cards are sold in packs and decks, so that “units” is an extremely rough comparison.