Ser. Bigboote-Wiggums

Reality shows are heavily edited and have producers in the room whose goal is to create drama between people who are fully aware that they are being recorded and under pressure to be entertaining. I don’t know the mindset of a typical reality show viewer, but I’m not sure what watching reality TV says that watching

It looked to me like Rock backed off of it well enough that there wasn’t much of an impact.  I dunno.  I can’t be bothered to take another look but maybe Smith telegraphed.  

Yeah, I don’t think Smith is a sociopath, he doesn’t strike me as that kind of guy. But something sure seems to be off here. When I first saw news of this I was thinking like, ‘this gotta be fake’, but after having read more about it it doesn’t seem that way.

All I hope is that if he is feeling unhinged and bombarded with everything he will seek the professional help he needs, don’t go the Kanye route. Mental health is a very serious thing too many people these days don’t take seriously or believe they need help with, we’ve seen too many other stars as big as him never

Barring that Chris Rock is a pretty douchy guy who often tells douchy “jokes” which kick downwards, unless this whole thing was 100% scripted beforehand (which seems a bit unlikely at this stage), stomping up on a stage and attacking a comedian on a live TV awards show does speak of some pretty severe mental issues

The incident, the yelling afterward about keeping his wife’s name out of his mouth, the acceptance speech, it was a lot, dude seems like a he has a lot he needs to sort out. Hours that night, but at least a year or two leading up to it of just smiling while his whole marriage situation became public knowledge, and one

Off putting to who? Prudish, closed-minded takes aside, do you know what’s actually off-putting? I’m trying to make a self-insert bad b*tch and all this game has to offer me is raggedy zombie thongs while this traitor of an NPC has luxurious panties that I can’t even put on unless I use cheat engine.

Like, yeah, it’s not technically illegal

Yeah the spider one is terrible. I mean it’s creepy, but I don’t think it captured the original energy of the image or SCP creature at all. It feels malicious whereas the original and other two feel more curious. 

You’re a good man, Charlie Brown.

This is Amesbury, MA we’re talking about. Not NYC or Boston. The cops telling the guy, “Dude, we’re almost done, chill.” should have covered this entire saga. No, the dude comes back to continue to yell at the police, who were there for a legitimate reason and they asked him to chill again.

Or when there’s one guy at the urinal and out of 20 urinals you pick the one right next to him

Exactly, this isn’t a debate. The author is engaging in psychotic behavior and is trying to pass it off as normal widely accepted behavior.

Sitting side-by-side is just for when you go out with the homies!

So one person staring at you over your spouse’s shoulder is fine, but two is far too many.

I spit laughed at this, 100% was not expecting.  My only regret is that I have but one star to give.

Well, that comments section was a ride. Who wants ice cream?

I mean, I suppose completely staying out of an intracommunity dispute that has nothing to do with you is out of the question.

The saying (thanks PT Barnum) is “a sucker is born every minute” — which is also more accurate, in this case.