Ser. Bigboote-Wiggums

Bad move, Japan. You can’t get away with half-assing like Americans can, because the typical Japanese ass is way slimmer than the typical American ass. Half a Japanese ass is entirely too little ass!

My favorite part of the Coolest Cooler was how a lot of backers got $5 from a settlement with the State of Oregon, and a bunch of people buying through Amazon at discount got the cooler.

I bet that’s not even a real guitar he’s playing.

I can’t say it better than you just did. These folks think everyone makes 300,000k+ a year and are so out of touch that people only want to unionize because we saw it on TV.

This reminds me of the time I hosted a chess tourney at my house during the Christmas holiday. Lots of folks showed up but they just stood around near the front door talking about how great they were at the game.

Now playing

REALLY reminds me of the Star Trek Next Generation with Data and a game master once:

Ya’ll have media. It’s certainly cheaper than buying ads in NY. So where are the ads? The party constantly begs for money for such things. Why not try that? The effort even if one fails is worth more than just shrugging and moving on. People will respect the effort in a losing cause.

the best for me is irate

No, some people are just shitty people.

OK, but you can use the same consonants and the more common vowel E by using the word FRETS.

I’m rereading it for the first time in over twenty years and it is amazing but also very bleak and sad. It’s far more effective on me in my 40s then it was when I was a teenager.

There’s a mix of both, for sure - but more damningly, there’s a lack of legislative power to make these things a reality, whether we have support from our side of Congress, or not.

Thankfully, it sounds like the guy has a fucking dishrag for a brain.”

I know, I’ve only seen it in news stories and even then mostly in the US. I didn’t even draw that conclusion at first, we were working on the idea that it was some bad actor in the family or an ex.

Included among the items in that fact sheet that you didn’t mention was a doubling the number of voting rights attorneys (perhaps you didn’t see it); that division is actively litigating suits [1] under under section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, under section 208 of the Voting Rights Act, the National Voter

Technically, I suppose one can call failing to pass a bill that strengthens voters rights doing something but the results are the same as doing nothing. Furthermore, the executive order doesn’t really stop states from just not counting the votes or not allowing someone who registered to actually vote which is what is

It’s worth noting that the Republicans used Thomas’ Blackness as lube to get a more markedly evil ideologue into Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States Thurgood Marshall’s seat. Likewise, Trump specified he wanted a woman to be the deciding vote on the repeal of Roe v. Wade. If they were simply

The Biden Administration is literally doing “things” about voter suppression [1]. I’m certain most of us are receptive to arguments that what they’re doing is insufficient, wrong, or otherwise requiring redress, but claiming it’s nothing is simply incorrect on it’s face.

Higher Heights describes itself as the “only national organization exclusively dedicated to harnessing Black women’s political power from the voting booth to elected office.” [Newsweek link]

That’s all well and good and it’s about bloody time quite frankly.