Ser. Bigboote-Wiggums

Wait, so that stupid commercial with the zoomers tripping balls in an art museum and bobbing their heads along with the painted animals is to be an ad... for a Second Life clone with VR?

From a yahoo entertainment article on this

I’m sorry but your copium is starting to show. What content other than raiding has Shadowlands added since the expansion came out? They added Korthia, which wasn’t all that big and came down to grinding for a lot of treasure nodes and doing daily quests.

It’s worse than that. That crackdown on clinics that you mention was started from a false premise. The T-Codes for death overdose that the CDC used for statistical analysis lumps a number of legally-prescribed painkillers into “other synthetic narcotics” (T40.4), and “other and unspecified narcotics” (T40.6). In a

No worries, I can see where it seemed like I meant Brute’s in general.

Kinja :(

In large part, it came from a bad medical code, and led to many people who relied on opioid relief to deal with chronic pain being cut back or even cut off entirely. This didn’t magically make their debilitating pain go away, and many turned to less-regulated sources of relief, which then led to a compounding issue of

Why did you ask this question:

Im still trying to wrap my head around the fact that the company that made that annoying farming game on Facebook a decade ago is worth 12 billion dollars.

Now playing

I’ll even settle for a remaster of 3! So much nostalgia just hearing this:

I’m an ass pad man myself

and has a primarch name Angron because...he’s angry.  The people...especially ‘fans’ that miss how much piss taking there is in 40k really disappoint me.  

I have never played an MMO besides a little WoW on my buddy’s account when I’d hang at his place in like 2005. I always figured I was too late to the party anytime I heard of one that sounded interesting. So can someone explain how the server situation works? If you start a game on a server, that is where you will

Rats and mice don’t actually like cheese very much - they get very little nutrition from it, they can easily choke on soft or sticky cheeses because they lack the right kinds of teeth to chew them safely, they can have digestive issues with fatty cheeses, and they usually just outright dislike the smell of strong

Tacos are a broad church
The great leveler
Any day with a taco is a better day than one without

I’ll never shame another player’s taco game

Jackson did insist on using real Mithril for the props. 

I’m not saying it has to be, I’m saying to expect 4k from a Switch is completely unrealistic and devoid of any understanding of the state of 4k today. We’ll always have to make evolutionary steps to get to where we want to go, I’m not harping on that.

I’ve been disappointed with the Elite controller too. First V1 I had rapidly developed drift issues and sticky buttons. Second one (a V2) had a sticky A button so I sent it back, and lo and behold, the brand new replacement has the same issue. Also, the sticks sometimes flick backwards and register, e.g. a left press

I’ve set it up for finding a 3070 now.

I thought that was a really great episode only for that character to ultimately not serve any purpose in the finale. (Also it was a slightly bizarre choice to have so many of the protagonists commit some generally unsavory actions.)