Ser. Bigboote-Wiggums

Oh man, you didn’t check in to see how this insane stretch of a nothing-burger was getting roasted over at The Root? Cause it’s getting no traction there, and it feels like their readership should know.

Not even close to his sentiment. Like, planetary systems away. He’s speaking from Kite’s Nest and you are in the Titan Nebula.

Like Portal 3.  It's not going to happen, but it'd be fun if it did.  But Portal 2 gave sufficient closure...

Nintendo lawyers:

fair, that make sense

The fact that an Irish man called on British authorities to menace a farmer who was protecting his potatoes is irony wrapped in a second layer of irony and then deep-fried in piping hot molten irony.

The GOP went full traitor and voted pretty much en masse to block the investigating committee.

It’s certainly easier to survive Mars surface but it might be nicer to live in Venus cloud cities.

Bop It + alcohol = a night lost. Uh, not that I know from experience. I mean, also Minecraft can do that, but that’s less impressive.

They are all actually sanity destroying, Lovecraftian, horrors that have     ghetty-fied themselves so as not to obliterate the minds of the endangered humans. They all turn back after you leave the are. Why stock photos? Budget reasons.

“Well, actually...” rolls its eyes when “I mean...” walks in.

I Wonder if that's why they didn't mention [INERT GAME] by name? 

Except that the creator cannot control how people interpret their shit. You might not intentionally mean anything by what you create, but you’re also not creating in a vacuum.

There might not be a conscious message, and people can choose to ignore the politics of the creation, but that doesn’t mean that said thing is

Tension Aggravating, Ridiculously Dystopian Idiocy Shack. It’s smaller on the inside!

Venus’ surface is hotter than Mercury’s. The air pressure at the surface is is a high as in the Earth ocean 1 km below the surface. The atmosphere is full of sulfur and it rains sulfuric acid but it evaporates before it reaches the surface. It’s basically hell.

The biggest killer on Mars? Ennui.

Just feel obliged to say that this does not read one bit like a post from a disinterested observer who has no dog in the fight lol like just the level of familiarity with what does and doesn’t work in the game rn precludes that from being true.

People don’t tend to continue following those games after deciding they’re not interested, just so that they’re aware of all the new content in a game they know they don’t want to play but for some reason constantly defend.

No dog in the fight here (haven’t donated/funded, but I do like Space sims so would play the game an in finished state).

There’s no incentive for the team behind Star Citizen to ever complete the game. Why? Because people funding/donating have brought it to that point, and people continue to donate/fund even though, as

My favorite thing about this game is how easy it is to spot the naïve, delusional, and pitiable fans that rush to defend this mismanaged and manipulative trash.